chapter 65 // Haven

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*6 Months Later*

"That's all for today Ladies! I'll see you all in a few days." I announced out to the group.

It had been a few months since the beginning of the all women's section in Metric and it was doing everything but bad. We were ranking higher than the men's sections in some spots and always were within the top five on all tests. I couldn't be more proud of my women and the fact that my life finally had turned for the better like this.

I wiped my forehead with a towel, looking out at the abandoned warehouse that we called our training spot. Sin had given us full reign and I was allowed to have the entire thing, I couldn't have been more enthusiastic once he told me. I picked up my water bottle and the small backpack that I had sitting on one of the benches, just before tucking away my dagger on my thigh strap again.

Thank god for Tan's technology that did nothing but make our lives easier. I tapped the call button on my wrist to let the driver know that I was ready to go and made it out into the front, standing on the dirt path. I saw the kicks of dirt coming from a speeding black SUV that came barreling down the road, I had never seen any of the drivers go this fast before. As I began letting out a small cough from the dirt, the car pulled right in front of me and rolled down the passenger window.

"I promised you a trip to Paris, princess." Tan smirked as he clicked the unlock button on the car.

My face lit up with a massive smile as I jumped in, seeing Sin driving and Con in his usual backseat spot. I glanced over into the trunk to realize all of our bags were packed and we were all ready to go. I needed this break, I needed Tan to full-fill his promise, and I couldn't be more happier.

I must've fell asleep once I had gotten into the car because as I woke up, the smell of fresh food and bright light came barreling into the bedroom that I now laid in. It was a beautiful brick bedroom with older windows all around, plants everywhere, and golden accents all around the room. I swung my legs over and glanced out the window, all the small cars and bustling city came into sight.

I briskly walked out of the large open doors to find it was penthouse style, modern but with a touch of old. There was a large kitchen and living room that surrounded a fireplace and large TV. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Tan personally picked it, since it's his territory and all." Sin exclaimed, startling me as he came in from the front door.

As I turned to look at him, all three came in with fresh suits on, looking as handsome as ever. I ran to them, pulling them all into a huge group hug, which they all indulged in as well.

"I love it you guys, this exactly what I needed!" I shouted, twirling in a circle with a bright smile.

"Anything for you, spitfire, you know that." Con replied, gently smiling as well.

"I got to complete my promise to you, princess." Tan glimmered, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I took in the smells of the food coming from the kitchen, italian pizza cooking away in the oven. 

"As long as it doesn't have stupid pineapples on it!" I exclaimed.

"Never again, Canim." Sin chuckled, heading towards the kitchen. 

After we were all done eating, we decided to sit on the bench outside on the balcony, watching the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower. I nuzzled into the arms of Con and Tan, sitting right next to me, but still made a glance over at Sin. A sharp smile shone on my face.

"I love you all, beyond words, I hope you all know that." I replied gently. 

"Ti amiamo più di ogni altra cosa al mondo, principessa." Tan softly spoke. 

"Thank you for never giving up on me." I replied as I began to doze off into their arms. 

I was fed, full from sex, had the dream job that I've always wanted, safe, and most importantly, I finally had a family. I was finally home. The match was lit inside my heart. 

The fire in my heart ignites when I am surrounded by them and I don't ever want to let it burn out.

Spitfire, Canim, Princess, whatever they wanted to call me, I was theirs and they were mine. Forever.


Author's Note:

#Absolutelycrying! I can't believe this story is finally at an end :( I absolutely loved this trope, this family, and everything in between. I hope you loved it just as much as I did. I am so sorry about the length of time in between updating! I ended up getting really sick and ended up in the hospital which led me to absolutely no creativity.

I hope this story was everything you were wishing it be. This won't be the end forever for them! In the next book with Fox & Forres, they will eventually come back! So, if you love my writing style, make sure to check out my other books once they are released! You can follow me :)

Another note, I will be working on getting this book published very soon so I am going to be rewriting a whole lot of it! Once it's rewritten and up for publishing, I will put up both versions. They will always remain free on here. <3

Thank you all, so so much again.

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