Chapter 3

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"Well..." Rowen proceded to explain everything that happened, starting from the dare from the kids to Blade the demon.

To say Mist was confused as fuck was an understatement.

"Wait, so your saying that you sold your soul for 100 wishes from some demon?" Mist asked looking concirned.

"Yes." Rowen answered shortly as he kept his gaze on the floor knowing that Mist would probably lecture him at some point of this conversation.

"And out of all that time you were with the demon dude you didn't ask about your dead grandfather being back from the grave at all?" They asked as they paced back and fourth infront of Rowen who was sitting on the couch.

"I didn't think of it at the time." Rowen admitted sheepishly, risking a glance up at Mist only to look right back down at the ground when he saw them already looking at him.

"How could you not think about it at the time?! Didn't you tell him about how creepy the dude was? Why didn't you bring it back up after that?" Mist asked, their voice raised but not quite a yell yet.

You might be wondering why Mist believes what happened with Rowen and the demon or his dead grandfather.

Well, while they are tired, they believe just about everything they are told.

"I don't know! When he showed me his wings all of my other thoughts kind of disappeared. Maybe it's some type of spell thing they have on them to make anyone that sees them forget stuff." Rowen attempted to defend himself, sadly it didn't work and Mist was replying quickly.

"Yeah sure OR you gay panicked at the looks of the demon and the wings were the last straw." They replied with an eyeroll as they flopped down onto the couch beside of him.

Rowen just blushed and looked away instead of saying anything to defend himself.

"Your a gay disaster. Anyway, it's too early for all of this shit. Let's go to sleep and then we can talk about this more later on okay?" Mist asked as they stood up, turning around and helping Rowen up afterwards.

"I'm a bi disaster and okay, sleep sounds amazing right now." Rowen agreed, his exhaustion finally settling in after his adrenaline ran out.

So the two left the livingroom and went into Mist's room where Mist gave him some pajamas to change into before they themself went to sleep.

Rowen took the clothes and changed in the bathroom before going into the guest bedroom -that was basically his with how often he was over there- before going to sleep himself.

***5 hours later***

"Okay, I let you sleep for an hour after I woke up, it's already 11:30 so it's time to wake up." Mist said as they shook Rowen awake by the shoulders.

Rowen woke up with a groan, not wanting to be awake yet but opened his eyes anyway because he knew that he would get water dumped into his face if he didn't.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Now I have some coffee in the kitchen for you but you have to get up and get it yourself if you want it." Mist said with a smirk before leaving the room, ceiling light on and door wide open.

With another groan Rowen got up and out of bed before waddling down the hallway and into the kitchen where he was greated with a cup of hot coffee and a blueberry muffin.

"Here, now take a second to wake up fully before telling me again what happened last night so I can fully understand everything and not be fighting sleep while doing so." Mist said as they handed Rowen the food and drink before they left to go sit on top of the island countertop.

Rowen nodded with a quiet "Thanks." For the breakfast before he moved to sit down at the table.

After a few sips of coffee and a bite of muffin, Rowen began to explain everything that happened the night prior.

"So you woke me up last night at five in the morning because you had some fucked up dream and then took advantage of my sleep-drunk state to keep me up for another hour to tell me about said trippy dream?" Mist asked sounding pissed before taking a sip of their peppermint tea.

"No! It wasn't a trippy dream I swear, it was real and it did happen!" Rowen defended, hurt flashing in his eyes at the fact that his best friend didn't believe him.

Then again, if he was being honest with himself, if someone told him what he just told Mist then he wouldn't have believed them either so he can't blame them too much.

"Okay then prove it, call up your demon friend ... Blade was it?" Mist sighed with an eyeroll.

Now normally Mist was a very calm person but when they were low on sleep then they were a bitch.

"Okay fine! Blade, I want to use a wish." Rowen said without thinking about the fact that he was about to waist a wish just to prove to his friend that he was telling the truth.

After a minute nothing happened and Rowen was beginning to loose hope.

Had it all been a dream? If so then it was one hell of a dream to feel so realistic.

"Thats what I thought would happen, I love you man but next time you have a trippy dream then call me and leave me a voice mail and I'll reply once I wake up. I'm sorry but I prioritize sleep over your trippy dreams unless they involve me dying or something." Mist said with a sigh before taking another sip of their tea.

"Thats kind of rude don't you think there mortal?" A new voice, much deeper than either of theirs stated sounding bored.

Mist spit out their tea as they began to choke when they saw a new person in the house.

At the same time Rowen jumped in shock before smiling with relief.

"Thank fuck I'm not going insane." He breathed out hearing a chuckle behind him.

"And who says your not going insane?" The voice hummed into his ear making a blush ignite onto his face and a shiver go down his spine.

1,056 Words! Yay another update lol I'll update again sometime hopefully soon-ish <3

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