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the silence was overwhelming. you could hear a pin drop from how quite it was. nothing could be heard but the gasps of everyone.

"w-wait... repeat that." narachia had his mouth wide open.

"i'm in Aprile! i'm not repeating myself again." Marion harshly yelled.

"what's this about!" abbacchio yelled while grabbing the front of y/ns shirt and lifting her up.

in an instant y/ns guards pointed guns at his head. Bucciarati pulled out sticky fingers ready to attack if needed. Giorno summoned Golden Experience just in case. Narachias plane flew around ready to shoot. fugo and trish stood defensively.

"is she our enemy?!" narachia yelled with a confused and surprised face.

"no! i am not your enemy!" y/n tries to tell him.

"he's in your gang and you didn't think to tell us!" abbacchio harshly yelled.

"just give us the word boss and we'll splatter his brains." Vanda yelled.

y/n grabbed abbacchios arm and pull it off herself while turning around, she used her weight to throw him over her head onto the hard concrete ground.

he gasps for air as it was knocked out of his lungs.

"you still don't trust me huh? i've proven myself in every way possible yet you still don't trust me? i wouldn't have came all the way here just to betray you all." she tells the male laying on the floor.

"put your guns away." she tells her team, walking past them.

she looks and sees everyone has their stands out still.

"we all have the same goal, let's not turn against eachother." she muttered while sitting down.

"he's in your gang right?" fugo asked with a suspicious face.

"i didn't know he was. it's weird he's even out here in Italy. my gang normally stays in France unless i give the order." she explained.

they all put away their stands as they came to understand.

"so you aren't our enemy?" narachia asked, still confused.

"she is not our enemy, if any of you attack her, i'll see it as turning against passione!" Giorno spoke loudly. his voice was firm and authoritative.

'sometimes they forget i'm the don.' giorno thinks to himself.

she stands up and nod a thanks towards giorno. he smiled but it quickly changed to a glare when he looked over at Marion who started talking.

"so your the boss of Aprile. didn't think you'd be a girl. a hot one too." Marion smirked after licking his lips. his brown eyes traveled down y/ns body.

giornos eyebrows nit down in disgust. he felt an urge to punch Marion's face.

in a second y/ns foot had made contact with Marions face, a loud smack echoed through the house. blood poured out of his nose and onto his battered shirt.

"say anything like that again, and your head will be rolling." y/n tsked at him and walked back to where she was standing before.

"are you the one sending drugs into Italy?" Giorno asks. Mista cocks his gun and points it at Marion.

"no, he's definitely not the guy doing it." y/n shakes her head.

giorno nods trusting y/n. "who do you work for?"

"i'll tell you at a price." Marion smirked.

"you'll be telling us if you want to live." y/n spoke before turning to Lino who nods his head.

he walks over and uppercuts Marion. he cried out in pain but didn't answer.

"from here on it'll only get worse unless you tell us." Giorno tells him.

he still didn't answer. Lino continued punching and kicking him when you ordered.

he was crying in pain as blood poured on the ground around him.

"who do you work for?" Giorno spoke much more harshly now.

"i-if i tell you, promise you won't tell him i told you." he choked out.

'finally, he budged.' y/n silently cheered in her head.

"yea. we wont tell him." she assured.

"h-his name is- you can't tell him i told you! please! he'll kill me." he sobs.

"she already said we wont tell him." Giorno said.

"Pier. that's his name. he has long black hair and an eyebrow piercing... that's all i know." Marion muttered the last part.

"do you have a picture?" Y/n asks with her arm crossed.

"no, but i know someone who does." he said wincing from trying to move his arm.

"who?" Giorno walks closer to Marion.

"i haven't seen him in a while but, his name is Adamo Yuuta. the guys got tons of pictures of different people, it's like a weird hobby of his."


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