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I fidget with my hands as I stand in the entrance hall, my heart beating and mind racing. So Nico is basically marrying me off to Sanji? I can't fucking believe it. I clench my fists as I look up. I've never been mad at Nico before so I guess this will be first, but again she knows exactly how I feel about all of this, being married off is just awful. I nod to myself, just approach it all carefully or it's just going to hurt more than it needs to.

"Y/N, you're finally home! Why don't you come join us in the dining room, we have a lot to discuss." Us, does she just mean her and Chopper?

"Yes Ma'am." I say, my stomach churning, heart pounding in my ears. It's just a normal conversation, no need to get all upset and bent out of shape because of it. It's about my future after all. I sigh as I hurry my way down the hall, following Nico slowly but surely.

We reach the dining room and I feel myself freeze, everyone in the castle is there, all talking amongst themselves and eating. So everyone gets to hear about this? Rolling my shoulders I follow Nico who leads me to a chair near one end of the table. Taking a seat I hear the room grow quiet and everyone's eyes settle on me. They've got to know, I can just tell, we haven't all sat together since I first came here.

Nico picks up her glass and a spoon, hitting it softly, the clinking echoing through the room. Everyone looks at her and she clears her throat. "As you all know, I've gathered you here for something extremely important. That important thing involves our precious Y/N." I hear a couple of people snickering and I glance in the direction it's coming from. On the other end of the table is Naudia, her and her little clique all quietly chatting with one another. I roll my eyes as I focus back on Nico who glares at them. "Sanji came to visit today and we discussed something that will most definitely be life changing, for some." She glances over at me. I don't want to do it, I just can't. This isn't the life that I want to have to live. "This is just a warning for you all." She smiles smugly, tilting her head to one side.

Everyone erupts in a small whisper as they all glance and point at me and to her. She already told them, didn't she? I can't fucking believe it, why not talk to me about any of it before hand? I clench my fists a bit as I stare down at the table. Why didn't she talk to me about any of this whatsoever? I don't know how many times I told her how I just fucking despise being married off yet it's happening anyways. I'm tired of this, tired of repeating it to myself, it's not going to do me any good.

I stand up and roll my shoulders. "It's not happening." I say confidently, looking over at Nico. A confused look covers her face. "I'm not marrying Sanji. You know how much I don't fuc... want to be married off." I stop myself from cursing in front of Chopper, I know that will be one awful habit to break if he gets into it. "I just can't let that happen." I take a deep breath as I feel all of the eyes fall onto me."

"You don't get a choice in this matter Y/N at all. It's for the better and you and I both know that." She gulps as she looks over to Chopper. "Ms. Daisy, will you please take Chopper to his room? This is not a conversation for him to be hearing." She puts her hands on the table and clenches her fist as she sighs.

A little old lady moves out of seat and comes to pick up Chopper before leaving the room. She gives me a compassionate look before she frowns a bit, heading off to Chopper's room. We all wait for them to be fully gone and once we all hear the door click upstairs it all begins.

"I don't think you fully fucking understand what you're talking about here Y/N." Nico hisses, "I'm doing this for you, okay?" She narrows her eyes and bites her lip as if she wants to say more, but she doesn't and I know why of course, all the other people here. "I need you to marry him. It will greatly benefit both our countries. Now don't be a fuckign idiot and reject this goddamn thing."

Roronoa Zoro x Female Reader | Stolen From the KingWhere stories live. Discover now