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I looking him up and down as I feel my face get hot just slightly. He's breathtaking. Smiling towards him I feel his gaze fall on me, a confused look covering his face, I continue to study him as I feel Sanji rest his hand on my hips. There's a slight change in Zoro's facial expression but it's small, but not too small for me to notice. He's hurt, but why? Maybe he just thought he had a slight chance with me? I mean who wouldn't. I study him a bit more. No that can't be it, he's out of my league, I can't get cocky like that.

"Yeah yeah Mosshead, but now that you're up I would like to introduce you to my soon to be wife." I look over at Sanji and give a weak smile before looking back at Zoro. "Y/N, introduce yourself please." Sanji smiles at me softly.

My heart starts to beat as I stand face to face with the handsome stranger. "I'm Y/N from the O'Hara kingdom." I bow to him, his face freezing as he gulps. Is there something wrong with me? Was I not supposed to bow?

"Zoro Roronoa, the best knight this crooked brow cunt has ever had." He bows back, keeping eye contact with me as he does so. He rolls his shoulders, "Now I'm going to go back to sleep, so it would be best if you both left me alone." He leans back up against the wall, closing his eyes.

"I hope you get hit by the damn door." Sanji mutters, grabbing my hand softly and leading me further into the room, towards the people we saw earlier. "Sorry about that asshole back there, he kind of lacks manners." He sighs, and I look back at Zoro, who's eyes are open and looking at me. He finally notices me and blushes, turning his head away before I turn back around. He's so alluring, just something about him pulls me in. 

I feel a slight blush cover my face, my thoughts wander slightly. I need to talk to him again, I want to hear what he has to say about me, he obviously is a bit interested in me. Or am I thinking too highly of myself once again? There's no way he would pass up on an opportunity with me, right? 

I'm pulled back out of my thoughts as I hear yelling going on; the red head girl and the dark skin yelling at the tan kid in the straw-hat. Now that we're closer, however, it's clear that it's not a kid and it's someone who's at least my age. 

"You already had about two plates of food, you don't need another!" The red head says, holding a plate of food above her head.

"How do you not even gain any weight!" The dark skin says, both his arms wrapped around straw-hat's waist.

"It's just a little more! Come on! It's not going to hurt!" Straw-hat yells, trying to push his way out of the dark skin's arms.

Sanji lets go of me, going up to the straw-hat. "What did I tell you about eating before the event Luffy?" Sanji shakes him a bit, yelling. "Do I need to start putting traps around to keep you from fucking eating everything in existence?" 

"I was just hungry..." Luffy says crossing his arms as the dark skin lets go of him.

"I'm just going to stop cooking for you at this point."

"Don't do that, anything but that! You're food is too good for you to say something dumb like that!" Luffy gets down on his knees, begging to Sanji and I can't help but try to hold back a laugh.

Sanji pats him before turning back to me. "Anyways, I have someone to introduce to you." He stands next to me, holding my hand. "My future wife, Y/N."

"What?" The red head says, crossing her arms, "You said that you were going to decide based off who showed up tonight."

"Nami darling, is someone jealous that I didn't chose her. You're pretty, but you've rejected me for so long." He smiles, "But of course if things don't work out I'm also here for you~!" He blushes a bit, grabbing her hand. 

Roronoa Zoro x Female Reader | Stolen From the KingWhere stories live. Discover now