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I sigh as I look down at my hands, "It's sad how fast time has flown by dear, it really is, but I'm sure it'll all be worth it." Ms. Daisy says happily, trying to brighten the mood just a bit.

"It's not going to be like what everyone thinks. I've met the man once and then I have to be with him for the rest of my life. I've never known a man to get so upset over marriage like this in my entire fucking life." Sighing again I stand up, walking around trying to get rid of the anxiety I have. "There's no way out but if it's to help Nico I guess it's the least I can do." She's literally a fucking queen though, I don't understand as to why she can't figure something out. I shake the thought out of my head. She is still struggling, she did slightly just regain power of the country. I take a deep breath in, then out.

"Look on the bright side dear," Ms. Daisy says, walking over towards the window to shut the curtains slightly, "At least you'll be able to get away from Naudia. Heard you put her in her place a while back." She snickers and I force out a small laugh.

The thought of her harming Chopper resurfaces in my mind and my stomach churns. "Can you make me a promise?" I turn abruptly and grab her hands. "Please watch out for Chopper. I'm scared he'll get hurt." I look her in the eyes. "Please..."

Ms. Daisy looks at me concerned then nods her head. "I promise," She smiles weakly.

I let out a sigh of relief as I hug her tightly. "Thank you..." I whisper. Again, I rather go to hell than have anything happen to Chopper. It'd kill me to see him hurt or even see Nico hurt because of it.

There's a knock on the door and we both turn, the door slowly opening, Nico smiling and standing before us. "Are you ready Y/N?" She smiles so happily. I would hate for that smile to disappear.

I nod as I roll my shoulders back as I step towards her. Today is that last day I'll actually have to myself, as my own person. I stare at the door as Nico talks to Ms. Daisy about something, everything around me slowly being drowned out in my thoughts. In the entire time that I've been chosen to be with him, I haven't even talked or seen him once. I'm marrying a man and basing my feelings off of him from one interaction which is awful but at the same time, I think I've fully seen who he is as a person. I scrunch my face up as I think back to the interactions I had with him. He was so pushy and clearly doesn't know how to keep it in his pants; the way he was talking and treating the other girls when I arrived in that stupid little circle of his in the city. I roll my eyes as I let out a sigh. I just hope this will turn out better than I think.


I stare into the mirror as Nico adjusts the cape-like thing on my shoulders, making

sure everything is even and sitting perfectly on me. "Don't slouch." She whispers, messing with my earrings. "You can't be doing that at a ball, they'll think you're just a commoner."

"I am one..." I mutter, looking away from the mirror, heat rushing to my face. I look beautiful, all dressed up in this color, complimenting my skin tone well. I look back at the mirror as Nico steps away, a soft smile on her face.

"So grown up." She wipes a couple of tears from her eyes. "Now close your eyes, I have one last thing." I roll my eyes slightly before doing so, I really want to get out of it, it feels so light even though it looks so heavy and it's just throwing me off. "And open them!" Nico says cheerfully. Opening my eyes I focus on her standing behind me, placing a crown down on my head, the sun hitting it just right to fill the room with small little dots of light.

(Ball Gown)

(Ball Gown)

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Roronoa Zoro x Female Reader | Stolen From the KingWhere stories live. Discover now