Chapter -1

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After he dropped out of school, there was no sign of Shin Hyeok-u, son of the former mayor of Jungjin who was now in prison for murder. So Mun wondered about the boy from time to time and he was about the only person who remembered and cared.

One day, he was at the market buying vegetables for dinner, humming to himself when he spotted familiar flaming red hair. Before he could register it, it disappeared. 'Was that . . . ?' So Mun thought. 'No it can't have been, he's not here!' But when he caught sight of the red hair again he started following the person. 'Why am I doing this? He can't be here, heck, he could be in India for all I care!' But still he followed, the redhead not noticing anything but consciously drawing up his black hood.

Suddenly, Mun put on a burst of speed and grabbed the person's hand, spinning him around and making his hood fall off. "I knew it!" Mun exclaimed. "I knew it was you!"

"What the hell are you doing? Leave me alone!" the boy said, his voice strained and barely over a whisper but still forceful. He had said the same thing a few months ago but Hyeok-u didn't care. He didn't want So Mun to see him in this state.

Only then did the brunette notice how weak Hyeok-u sounded, how battered he looked, how he was fighting to stay awake. "What-" he started but stopped to catch the other as he fainted and fell to the floor.

So Mun couldn't help thinking how good-looking the redhead looked even when he was hurt and bleeding. '-what are you thinking?! Stop going crazy, heart! He's hurt! You don't have time to think about his looks!' he chided himself.

But at the same time, as he carried Hyeok-u to his house (the vegetables lay forgotten), he couldn't hide the slight blush on his face.

(The next chapter's gonna be hella long to make for this)

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