Chapter 6

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- "Uh oh. I smell trouble." - exclaimed Ron to Hermione

- "Get lost, Flint! I booked the pitch to Gryffindor today." - explained Wood

- "Easy, Wood. I have a note." - retorted Flint

- "Ah...those Slytherins!" - complained James

Getting hit on the head by Regulus

- "These Gryffindors" - complained Regulus, imitating James

While Wood snatched the parchment from Flint's hand, Ron and

Hermione come to join the others.

- "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, due to the need to train their new Seeker." Wood read, looking up at the end

- "You have a new Seeker? Who?" - he asks

Tulip and Peter seeing the confusion approach Hermione and Ron

"What the hell is going on?" - whispers Tulip to Hermione

- "Gossip moment!" - shouted Sirius

- "The Slytherin team got a new seeker and now got Professor Snape to make the field available to them for only them to train on...when it was our team's turn." - explained Hermione whispering

- "Best summary of the situation." - commented Marlene

A boy steps forward. Malfoy...

- "Malfoy?" - asks Harry rhetorically in disbelief

- "My...the tea is divine today" -mumbles Tulip

- "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year..." - comments Malfoy


As one, the seven Slytherins offer seven brand new shimmering brooms. The Gryffindors look stunned.

- "Oh my holy Merlin" - says Peter in astonishment

- "Those are Nimbus Two Thousand One." - exclaimed Ron in amazement

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded, never in their lives would they have thought of the possibility of the evolution of their brooms

- "I WANT ONE!" - shouted James and Sirius at the same time

- "So noisy! What have I done wrong in this life?..." - complained Remus

Flint smiled smugly

- "A generous gift from Draco's father" - he enunciated

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