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As they walked down Diagon Alley, Harry told what had happened at home with the elf called Dobby.

- "That's very weird, Harry. The only person capable of having house elf without being you can only be Malfoy." - Ron commented

Everybody look at Lucius

Harry made a face like he didn't understand an arse.

- "Why on earth would Malfoy send his elf to warn me that something bad was going to happen to me at Hogwarts?"

Ron thought for a moment and said

- "Maybe so you'd drop out of Hogwarts for good. That platinum freak will do anything to get you to walk out of school." - explained Ron

Harry agreed and continued walking to the families

When they arrived at Flourish and Blotts, a copy of Gilderoy Lockhart's autobiography "Magical Me" was on display.

Harry looked at the crowd of people finding the situation a bit bizarre. Until he detects a manic blond fellow, Gilderoy Lockhart, James looks at the witch and scoffs on the spot.

-"I am Famous!!" -  shout Lockhart in happiness

All the women fell at the wizard's smile, all except Lily and Tulip, who looked on in disgust. Hermione approaches Harry and Ron.

- "Isn't he incredible?" - Hermione asks in a passionate and admiring tone

Ron and Harry look at each other in shock

- "Hermione are you all right?" - asks Ron

Hermione grumbles and goes to Tulip, who at this moment was chatting animatedly with Peter.

Ron and Harry moved closer to the wizard. who was autographing books and being photographed by the journalists.

- "No way! Harry Potter?" - asked

Sirius growl

Harry without any consent was forcibly taken to the self-centred witch, causing Lily and James to frown.

- "Why, what an honour, to have the famous Harry Potter with me for a photograph together. And as an addition, you still get to take some of my most famous books for free, already signed." - Proclaimed the wizard smiling at the end for the photograph, making everyone applaud and leaving a dumbfounded Harry not knowing what to do

Lily took the books from Harry and got in line behind Molly.

A short time later a platinum blonde comes down the stairs and gets in front of Harry.

- "Bet you Loved that didn't Potter, famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page" - said Draco with a critical and sarcastic tone

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