Chapter 2

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"Adventure is out there!" the movie 'Up' flashed inside my t.v. 2:30 in the morning. I decided to wake up early because my body can no longer take the cold grasp of the temperature, no matter how many ply's of blanket I cover myself into. I stood from the couch at our living room and traveled to the kitchen to prepare myself a bowl full of cereals and milk. I ate it and felt full already so I turned the t.v. off and walked inside the shower.

I damped myself with warm water, letting my numb body absorb the lukewarm liquid. I cloaked myself with a neat towel. I got out of the shower and styled myself. A white t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and a top-sider. Simplicity at its best.

I got my bag and turned to the door. Then my phone vibrated, I slid it out of my pocket and saw a name flash in the screen.

From: Hayley

Hey Sophie, good morning! Don't be late for today. Xx

I reached the door knob and opened the door in a hashful way as possible. I got out of the house and walked towards our front yard.

While walking through the street, I noticed there wasn't a crowd of people outside. It was complete silent. The sky was pitch black, since the sun hasn't show up yet.

I got to the dance studio. I was astonished to see that there were already our group. I failed to find Danielle inside, it was only Hayley, and our troupe. No more. They were all motionless as their focus went into me. I got inside the place. They all welcomed me, warmly as ever.

"Hey guys," I broke the awkward silence. As they faced me, "since Danielle isn't here yet, and since our secret guests aren't here too. I decided to teach you new dance moves. If only you're all interested."

"Yes!" they said in unison. They formed three rows behind me. I started playing the song 'You Da One' by Rihanna.

The mirrors placed at every side of the wall surrounded us, making it an ease for me to see who's right and who's not. The steps constist of slow and slick movements with a touch of locking at every end. It only took us 3 whole song to memorize every single step. For the fourth time, we started dancing and we heared a slam of a door. We didn't stop from dancing because that's what professionals do, right? The show must go on, they say.

Just then there we saw a mop of long curly hair. It was Danielle. Behind her were a sound of buzzing ang chattering. Then there I saw five boys that look familiar. Is that? It can't be!

One Direction.

The fuck? I cussed under my breath. I wasn't paying attention anymore to them, instead I continued dancing. Their reflections showed up in the mirrors. Two of them distracted me, their eyes were pierced into me. As if they were watching my every move. It was then I realized they were Harry and Niall. The song is nearly to its end, as I felt myself being wobbly because insecurities came into me as Harry and Niall continued to observe my actions.

Thank God the song ended already. I looked at all our group members and gave them two thumbs-up. Now, my gaze turned to Danielle and the boys. Danielle came to me and hugged me, Hayley followed her as they pulled my wrist and made our way to the one side of the studio where nobody can hear our little conversation except us.

"So, maybe you're both wondering why they're here right?" Danielle asked as she turned her head to look at us.

"Yeah, why the hell are they here?" I asked her while pointing my fingers to those five teenage boys. I looked up at them, they were way too far from us and I was startled to see that Harry and Niall were still looking at me from head to toe. My cheeks turned rose red as I tried to hide it. I shook my head as I turned my focus to Danielle and Hayley who were oblivious about the staring thingy scenario.

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