Part 2.

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It was pitch black, like all the light went out and I was only left with myself. Nothing and no one was here with me. Lifting my head to try and look around, but only finding darkness. As I tried to get up I couldn't move. My Masters voice kept repeating into the darkness behind the shadows.

"Why are you still living? Why don't you just give up and die already? You have nothing to live for Kaito. So, wHy DoN'T yOU juSt GiVe uP?" the shadow said with the voice of my master.

Everything sounded like my Master except the end. The ending was distorted and sounded wrong. It was as if someone else was talking.

"Who is this? I know you are not my Master! So tell me who you are!" Screaming out in pain, I responded.

"Me? Well I am the one who lives in your mind. I Make YoU think things that yOu would rather not ThINK of. I am your DarkNESs." the shadowy figure responded. Sounding like my old Master.

"I know that I am not physically strong enough to take you on, but I do know that I can take you on mentally." Responding to the cowardly figure.

"All that you need to know Kaito, is that your TIME is COMING to aN END! Don't question who I am just question where you will be going..." They said creepily.

I paced myself and thought of the next words I was going to say. This creature had a form of a human but when it's voice cracked it sounded like a being from hell. It sounded haunting, and made shivers crawl down my spine. I couldn't move let alone find the courage to stand up, then the figure leaned over me,

" I will only tell you once, YoU WiLL DiE BUt BefOrE thaT hAppeNs... I'll kill everyone you love." The figure said in a menacing tone.

Then I heard something in the distance but I couldn't point my finger in what direction the sound was coming from....

I woke up to the sight of my mother leaning over me, tapping me with her finger to see if I was conscious. Looking up at her, she looked frightening... like she wasn't even my own mother. I looked around the room and nothing seemed to be out of place, then I turned my gaze back to my mom... it was as if she was glitched. Her face in the same expression like she couldn't change it. I started to get freaked out. I got up from my chair and looked at her. She kept doing what she was doing even though I wasn't even their for her to do anything. It was as if she was on loop.

I walked around the room seeing if I could grab her attention with anything. Nothing seemed to work. As I was about to leave the room she moved her head sharp and looked right at me. Cold dark eyes, glared at me piercing into my soul, as if I was determined to die and this was the person to kill me. This was not my mother anymore. It was an evil being. One that would do anything to get what it wants.

"Kaito, where are YoU gOiNG..." my mother called behind me.
Her bones starting to shift and go out of disorder. She started to move... awkwardly breathing she came close to me looked me in my eyes. I panicked and pushed her, but she only move a tiny bit....

I knew what I had to do... but could I really do it. Could I really kill my own mother. I can't believe I am having this thought right now of all times.
But look At HeR KaIto... DoeS sHe lOOk weLl?
Obviously she doesn't but I can't just kill her... she my mother!
So? It doesn't matter AnY MoRe. sHes gOne to ShIgInami And WiLl nEveR cOmE baCK.
But she's still my mother...
grAb youR sWorD anD kIlL hEr KaiTO!
The voice was beginning to haunt me.... I couldn't listen to it... I just couldn't! It was my own mother we were talking about. What do you expect me to do? Just kill her and not feel anything!
I reach down and grab my sword... her movements consisted of climbing across the wall and occasionally hitting the ceiling. What if I can't do this.
YoU HaVe tO! The voice said...
"I have to", I repeated in a low raspy voice. I grab my sword tighter, and moved over to where my mother is.
"Kaito, HelLo My BoY," my mother said. The words coming out of her mouth not sounding the same. Her head snapped and all I could do was watch as my sword sliced her... I didn't even move my hands. She was gone... I had to remind myself of that. I had to do this for the great or good. My mother was killed at my own hands, but I didn't kill her.

Her body lies motionless on the floor...
I decided should read the letter that was sent to me, just to get clarification on what was happening.
Opening the letter slowly I looked at the letter that titled the page..

If you are reading this it must be near the end... you, who ever you are, are dealing with a powerful being. One that cannot be stopped and will never give up on taking your soul. I understand if you have thrown the letter to the side till someone you loved started acting strange. All I can say is that it's started and you can't stop it. Leave, RUN, OR DIE! That's all you can do.
-the last one hopefully, Recolie.
G o o d b y e .
The letter was covered in blood... I could hardly read the words. The ending was strange, something about it didn't feel right. It was as if I was in a loop of tragedy. There was nothing I could do.... Nothing at all. But how can I trust this letter it has to be a prank or something.... It all has to be a prank a really clever prank.... Right.....

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