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"Tae,baby I need to go to the office. It will take me just an hour and I will be back soon." Jungkook says to his baby who is curled up in his lap,fisting his shirt while laying his head on his chest.

"NO....you will be late. I don't want you to leave me. Stay koo...please." the chubby male whines while caressing his swollen stomach. 

Hearing his husband jungkook sighs. This is the very first time Taehyung is throwing a tantrum. Ever since Taehyung became pregnant Jungkook started to work from home. Him being the CEO of a multinational company was not at all helping in the situation but still he chose to stay with taehyung at home. His number one priority will always be his love,his cute baby bear.

Jungkook and Taehyung had met each other when they accompanied Jimin and his girlfriend's engagement. Taehyung being Jimin's best friend and Jungkook being his boss and friend. At that time Taehyung worked as an artist at a famous art gallery. Jungkook was always mesmerized by art pieces and the two clicked from there onwards. They started messaging each other and hanging out often. Soon both fell in love and were inseparable. 3 years into their relationship Jungkook proposed to Taehyung and the younger instantly accepted the proposal and now they are husbands for 2 years. When taehyung became pregnant jungkook was on cloud nine. He forced the younger to take a long leave from his job and he himself stayed with him. Jungkook always managed to handle both work and his husband duties very well. Sometimes he had to visit his company for a short while and then he would be back home. Taehyung never stopped Jungkook from going to work. He would pout and make the older to promise him that he will be back soon. The younger would either sleep or call jimin home when jungkook would leave for office. 

But today it was not the usual scene. Taehyung was grumpy and whiny from the morning. The younger is in his 7th month of pregnancy and he had not once thrown any tantrums at jungkook. But today he was not at his usual mindset. He had pouted and clung on to Jungkook, not allowing the CEO to visit his office. Jungkook would have complied and stayed with his baby but today was an important day for him. He had to be there in the office or things would go downhill there. But Taehyung was not letting him go.

"Baby,my cupcake,my cute bear,my cutie...please...koo will be back in an hour baby. If you are bored I can call Jimin here. He will be with you till I come back." Jungkook tried to sweet talk but taehyung was not listening to any of it.

"NO...you can't go. What if...what if you will leave me?" Taehyung whimpered and Jungkook rubbed his forehead. He was getting late and he couldn't risk being late.

"Baby please try to understand...i will be back soon. It is very important for me to be present at the office, baby." Jungkook reasoned but taehyung only shook his head and hugged jungkook tighter. 

Jungkook was getting a little annoyed by now. He already wasted half an hour with taehyung's tantrum and he couldn't lose more time.

"Jeon taehyung get down this instant." Jungkook now said sternly making taehyung to flinch slightly. The younger one was never used to Jungkook's harsh voice. The older always made sure to be caring and sweet towards his baby but today he had to be stern for once.

"Koo...please..i don't like staying alone here. I feel like something will happen today..''before taehyung could finish his sentence jungkook cut him off.

"Try to understand tae. I have to go. It is an emergency. I will tell Jimin to come here. I will be back in an hour and then i will not leave your side." Jungkook said while rubbing his temple and taehyung knew there was no place for arguments anymore. He felt like there was something bad going to happen. He already had a bad dream this morning where he saw Jungkook flying away from him and his baby. From then he is scared. What if something happens to Jungkook when he is going to the office? He wanted to make the older stay and make sure he is safe but jungkook was not agreeing. He could only be sad and let the older go.

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