Chapter 17

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Katherine's POV

I peel my eyes open as a loud, irritating ringtone fills my ears. I squint at the sudden swarm of light flooding into my face. It takes me a few seconds to gather my thoughts as well as finding the strength to will my sensitive eyes open.

I feel a low vibration on my lower back as I push myself up and cross my legs against the couch. I pull my phone from underneath my body and read the screen.

"Mum.. hey," I speak, allowing a yawn to mix in with my words.

I trail my free hand down my face in attempt to soothe the tightness of my muscles. Getting woken up from a nap is one of the worst feelings. I feel even more exhausted and my body aches in agreement. I am for sure adding that to my hatred list.

I take in my surroundings as I hum a few 'mhm's' to show that I am still listening, and realise that the blinding light that I awoke to is being projected from a tall, patterned lamp in a corner of Malakai's office. A corner in Malakai's empty office. I look around again and realise that I'm alone. 

"Yeah, yeah. I can do that," I mumble back as another yawn interrupts.

I listen as she rambles on about a few things and I decide to lower myself back down until I'm laying flat on my stomach. I close my eyes as I continue to repeat a few hums here and there until she mentions a delivery under the name Malakai Night.

"Wait, Malakai? Night?" I frown and open my eyes, my interest peaking. That's the first time that I've heard his last name. It's actually a pretty name.

She continues on and describes what the delivery is. A small smile grazes my lips as she tells me about the new garden chairs and table. A replacement for the one that he broke. A replacement for the one that I took the blame for. I had to spout out some dumb lie about me falling onto the table, shattering a glass along with breaking my favourite garden chair.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll tell him," I say, lounging off the edge of the couch.

My mind wanders to all the stupid little lies that I've told her about Malakai. They haven't met but to her, he seems like the perfect gentlemen. Only, he's not. I don't think her current view of Malakai would be the same if I told her about him wrapping his large hands around my neck. Or if I told her that he asked me if I wanted to fuck him. I'll just keep that to myself.

"Bakery, yeah. I'm at the bakery," I lie.

A shuffling sound sounds outside the room before a loud thud, slightly shaking the door. I shuffle myself up and sit back on my knees, switching my phone to my left ear.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be home in roughly an hour," I tell her.

I pull the phone away from my ear just as the door opens and a cheerful Xadian walks in.

"Kathy! You're awake," he chirps.

I groan at the use of the name but let it slide as I'm still in that sleepy phase from just waking up.

"Do you like gin?" He asks and it's now that I notice a large bottle of liquor in his hand.

I tilt my head, giving him a small disapproving look before shaking my head with a smile, "I don't drink."

"You just smoke illegal substances?" He raises a brow and sets the bottle down.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "If you remember, you're the one who gave me the illegal substance," I say, reminding him of one of his not so brightest of ideas.

"True, true."

He cracks the lid off the neck of the bottle and sips straight from it. He slowly trails over and slouches down next to me, bottle still attached to his lips.

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