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On All Hallows Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, the undead come back to life to feast on the flesh of the living.

One night, Shawn and Katie were driving home from a Halloween costume party their friends had. They were halfway home when the car ran out of gas. Shawn pulled the car over onto the side of the road. He unbuckled his seatbelt, opened his door, and stepped out into the darkness. Katie slumped down into her seat. Suddenly, Katie heard a strange gurgling noise. Then she heard a loud, "Thump!" She decided to get out and see what was going on. When she stepped out of the car, she couldn't see anything. But as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she looked around and her eyes landed on a big lump on the road in front of the car. Katie walked closer to the big lump but when she stopped in front of the lump, she realized that it was really her husband.

Katie leaned forward to get a better look.
Shawn's throat has been ripped out, hot blood spilling on the road. She screamed at the top of her lungs but nobody could hear her screams. Suddenly, Katie saw a black figure soaring in the sky. She looked up at the sky but she couldn't see anything. All of a sudden, Katie felt herself being lifted off the ground. She looked down and she screamed then she begins to kick her legs back and forth. She noticed that she is at least 100 feet above the ground. She felt something breathing on her face. She looked up. All she could see was a pair of red glowing eyes and a mouth full of sharp fangs. She screamed as the sharp fangs sunk into her throat. The last thing she heard was the loud, "Thump!" sound her lifeless body made when it hit the ground.

The whole city was going crazy. Vampires, ghosts, demons, zombies, werewolves, ghouls, and a lot of other undead creatures have escaped from the local cemetery. Some people were quick enough to get inside their houses but other people thought it was a joke. Soon those people realized that it was not a joke. Soon the whole city was taken-over by the undead creatures. Everybody who was bitten by one of the undead creatures turned into that creature. All of the houses were deserted. A group of five friends thought they were the only survivors left knew that there had to be other survivors alive and they were right. Many other people have taken shelter in buildings all over the city. A group of seven people have taken shelter in a store down the street. And so this is where their story begins. Enjoy!

Dylan, Peter, Eric, Jane, and Annie were at the four-way stop in the street when Peter looked over his shoulder and he saw two huge hordes of zombies running towards them. The zombies had their arms stretched out, their rotten fingernails clawing nothing but thin air. "Run! Zombies are coming!" Peter yelled as the hordes of zombies got closer. The five friends broke into a sprint with the zombies trailing behind them. The five survivors ran faster than they ever ran in their life. As they got closer to the end of the street, Dylan saw two survivors staring at them through a glass door at the end of a narrow alleyway. "Come on, this way." Dylan yelled. The five friends turned into the alleyway and ran to the end of the alleyway. Then they started pounding on the glass with their fists.

Peter looked over his shoulder and he saw that the hordes of zombies were getting closer, closer, and closer. "Help us!" the five friends screamed at the top of their lungs. Finally the glass door opened. Dylan, Peter, Eric, Jane, and Annie fell into the store. The door closed behind them. The five friends struggled to get on their feet. All of them looked at the door. The zombies were pounding on the glass door. "What are you doing here?" they heard a voice say. The five friends spun around. A boy about Dylan's and Peter's age was staring at them. Behind him, three more boys and three girls were also staring at them.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked again. Dylan and Peter both didn't know how to answer so Eric answered the question. "The zombies were after us. We had to get away from them. We think that there are more survivors than the twelve of us," Eric told the boy. "My name is John," the boy introduced himself, then he motioned to the other six teenagers that were behind him. "I'll start from the far left. Meet Frank, Henry, Mike, Anna, Rosina, and Rebecca." John said but Peter didn't seem to notice that John was talking. Peter had his eyes on Rosina. Rosina has long, black hair that goes down to her waist, a bright red heart necklace. She was wearing a violet-colored top underneath a red hoodie, dark blue jeans, and dark orange Jordan hightops.

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