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Once they got to the prison, Dylan looked for a sign and he found one. "Pottawatomie County Jail," he read the sign, then looked at the building. "Wow, this place is huge." Daniel said, looking up at the building. Dylan, Peter, and John all led the others into the prison. The inside of the prison was huge. There were jail-cells extending all the way down the hallway. The group of fourteen teenagers walked down the hall. They stopped when they got to the end of the hallway. Dylan looked to the left then to the right. There were staircases on either side of the wall.

As the group stood in the hall, two strong, bony hands reached out of the darkness of a nearby cell, and grabbed Rebecca by the shoulders. She screamed and tried to twist out of the skeleton's grip as the hands pulled her into the darkness. Startled by the sound of Rebecca's scream, all of the teenagers spun around. "Where's Rebecca?" Jane asked, her eyes filled with fear. Suddenly, a skeleton burst out of the darkness of the cell that Rebecca was pulled into.

Its long, sharp fingernails were stretched out, as if they were ready to rip the flesh off of somebody. "Get out...Get out while you still can..." the skeleton told the group of thirteen teenagers. The skeleton then turned around and ran back into the darkness. The group of thirteen teenagers stood there, frozen with fear. After a few moments of silence, John was the one to finally speak. "Did that just take Rebecca?" he asked, staring into the darkness of the cell. They decided to climb the stairs on their right. As they climbed up the stairs, the metal stairs made their footsteps echo throughout the prison.

They reached the second floor landing, then they walked down the hallway. They looked into the cells as they walked past them. Many of the cells still had prisoner's dead bodies. The thirteen teenagers stopped in front of one cell, and Henry poked his head into the darkness of the cell. Out of nowhere, ten rotten, slimy hands reached out of the darkness, and grabbed Henry by the collar of his jacket. "Help me, guys!" he yelled as the rotten hands started to pull him into the dark cell. Mike and Daniel both grabbed Henry by the waist and started to pull backwards.

With a quick and strong movement, the rotten hands pulled Henry into the darkness. He slipped out of Mike's and Daniel's grip. Stunned by what just happened, Dylan forgot that he had a flashlight. He reached for the flashlight with his right hand. He switched the flashlight on and shined the light into the cell. The light swept across the cell then the beam of light landed on Henry. He was laying on his back on a bed. His hands and feet were tied to the bed posts on both ends of the bed. The group of teenagers heard slurping sounds coming from the far left corner of the room.

Still standing outside the cell, Dylan shined the light into the far left corner. The light revealed five zombies all huddled together in the corner. All of the zombies looked up and turned around, facing the teenagers. One of the zombies had long messy hair, a chunk of skin missing from the top of her head. Her eyes were blood red, and some of her teeth were missing. She was wearing a pink shirt that was ripped, blue jeans, and she was barefoot. Once she saw the group of twelve teenagers, she ran to the cell door. Dylan reached for the door-handle then he slammed the cell door shut. The zombie threw herself against the cell door, staring at the teenagers with her blood red eyes.

After a couple of moments, the zombie went back to join the other zombies that still stood in the corner. Together, the five zombies all slowly started to walk towards Henry. He twisted and pulled against his restraints trying to escape but it was no use. He started to scream as the five zombies started to close in on him. "Help me! Help me! Help me!" Henry screamed as the zombies kept on closing in on him. The five zombies muffled his screams for help. Dylan and Peter led the rest of the group away from the cell as the zombies devoured Henry. They could still hear Henry's screams for help as they went farther down the hallway.

Suddenly, all of the twelve teenagers stopped in their tracks. A couple of feet in front of them, there was a little girl sitting on the floor, crying. Margaret took a few steps towards the little girl. Matt grabbed her by the arm, and she looked back at him. Margaret then turned her head back to the little girl, and she kept on walking towards the girl. When she was in front of the girl, she bent down and she asked the girl what was wrong. The little girl didn't answer, and instead, she turned around. When the girl did, Margaret screamed at what she saw.

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