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The little girl had blood dripping from her chin, half of her face was burned off, and half of her hair was ripped right out of her scalp. Before Margaret could back away, the girl leaped onto her, knocking her down to the ground. The girl sunk her rotten teeth into the side of Margaret's neck. She screamed as blood ran down her neck and onto the floor. Peter stepped forward, his machete hanging from his right hand. The little girl raised her head and turned her head to the remaining eleven teenagers.

She stared at Peter, then her eyes lowered to his machete at his side. She then turned her attention back to Margaret then she sunk her teeth into her neck again. Dylan reached into his quiver and pulled out a arrow, then he placed the arrow on the string. He pulled the bowstring back, and aimed the arrow at the little girl. She raised her head again, got onto her feet, and ran towards the group. He released the bowstring and the arrow got the girl right in the middle of her forehead.

The little girl fell onto the ground with a loud "thump". Susie rushed over to Margaret and sat down beside her. Tears were building up in her eyes, then the tears ran down her cheeks. Daniel walked over to Susie and he put his right hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, her eyes still watery. He looked at Margaret's dead body, and said, "I'm so sorry." Susie nodded her head and Daniel helped her onto her feet. The two of them went back to the other nine teenagers. Both Dylan & Peter took the rest of the group back down to the first floor. They were all tired, so Matt found some wood and matches and he built them a fire.

After what happened, none of the teenagers wanted to talk about what just happened. Soon the fire died down and all of them were asleep. Suddenly, there was a loud crash sound coming from upstairs that caused Mike, Matt, and John to all wake up. The three of them slowly got up and they got their weapons. They quietly walked to the stairs, trying not to wake any of the others up. Mike, Matt, and John all went up the stairs, and they stopped at the top of the second floor. All of the cell doors were closed except for five cell doors at the end of the hall. They slowly walked down the hallway, their footsteps echoing on the stone floor.

Finally, they got to the end of the hallway, and the three boys turned to face the cells. Mike saw something move inside one of the cells, so he looked closer. But he didn't see anything, so he leaned his head in closer to get a better look. Before he had time to jerk his head back, both of the zombie's arms burst out of the darkness. The hands grabbed Mike by the shoulders and yanked him into the darkness. Mike yelled for somebody to help him, but Matt and John stood there, frozen with fear, frightened to get any closer. Soon, Mike's cries for help faded into the darkness.

Matt and John both turned around to back to the first floor, when all of a sudden, twelve bony hands came out of a cell, and grabbed John by the shoulders. Matt stared at John, frozen with fear, as he watched him being pulled into the darkness. "Help me, Matt! Help me!" John yelled at him, as the top half of his body disappeared into the dark cell. When Matt finally decided to go, he rushed towards the cell. The cell door slammed shut in his face when he reached the cell.

He yelled in frustration, pounding his fists on the metal bars. Suddenly, Matt felt two strong hands grab him by the shoulders and pulled him back. He fell to the ground with a loud "thump" and he looked up at what grabbed him. Standing in front of him, were six zombies, all of them staring at him. Matt scooted away from them as the zombies slowly made their way towards him. Finally, his back touched the wall, and the zombies kept getting closer and closer to him. "No...No...No!" Matt yelled as the group of six zombies closed in on him. His cries became silent gasps as the zombies started to rip him to shreds.

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