XXIV - The Vet

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Russia takes a breath and sees Kentucky approaching him from his side. Kentucky offers a kind smile.

"Do you need some help there Russ?"

Russia nods and suddenly finds himself upside down over Kentucky's shoulder. He squeaks in surprise and he's walked out and placed in the backseat of a car.

He turns to thank Kentucky only to see him walking back inside. Russia instead relaxes back into his seat and helps ferry America into the seat next to him.

The middle seats slide back into place with people taking the spots. His eyes glaze over and gravel rumbles against the undercarriage. His mind is full of the white noise of the wind against the car, and light reflects against the pavement that flies by.

Soon, they start passing worn-down buildings whose windows stare into his soul with malicious compliance to the degrading world around them.

The car slows, and his mind finally clears enough past the pain to hear conversations. Russia stares out at a back door to what looks like an office with peeling paint. Water begins to fall against the window, skewing the image.


"Yeah, Del?"

"What is your plan here? This is a run-down vet."

"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing. Now come on, we need to get all y'all inside."

Russia forces himself up and helps America limp forward. Broken beer bottles crunch under his feet. Calves burning, he stumbles forward. The door opens, and a blast of cold air hits him in the face. He blinks.

Sterile air stings his nose and white walls reflect fluorescent light.

Georgia confidently strides forward to meet another woman, who looks slightly older and with a slim frame, glasses propped on her forehead, and her greying, coiled hair back in a net. She stands tall in brown scrubs, decorated in small, colored paw prints.

"Hey girl~" Georgia chirps, "You got what I need?"

"The surgical teams? Of course. Now remember, all-"

"All favors paid, just like I promised."

"And you owe me a huge favor."

"The one with your nephew?"

"Who else?" the woman replied with an exasperated sigh, "he always gets himself into all sorts of trouble, I swear."

Georgia laughs.

The woman turns and waves, her arms hovering over her scrubs.

"My name is Dr. Jones, and I'm here to help you and your family. Now take a seat," she says, gesturing vaguely toward them.

Russia turns and sees plastic chairs along the hallway.

"I'll take Finland first."

"You got them specialty guys?"

"I had to pull a few strings, but yes."

Georgia smiles and turns to Finland, who stands up stoically.

"We're gonna get you ready for having a real robotic arm," Georgia says with a grin.

Finland's face lights up.

"Really?" she asks skeptically, holding the remains of her arm.

"One that will move just like your old one did. I don't understand everything, but the point is that my bestie here got you the best plastic surgeons that we could get and they're gonna move some nerves around so the arm works."

"It's called Targeted Muscle Reinnervation. And it will need some practice to work with a new prosthetic, but it will have the best outcome."

A male nurse walks into the room and waves Finland back. Finland stays put.

"Is this safe?" Finland asks, facing Georgia.

"It had better be," Georgia says, a playful suspicion on her face as she turns to face Dr. Jones.

"It is," Dr. Jones promises, "I've got enough information to keep them quiet. And you can have people watch."

"That's what I'm here for," New York says, pulling New Jersey up with him, "I don't remember exactly how it's supposed to be done, but I know enough."

Russia doesn't understand the rest of the chatter, but soon sees New York and New Jersey following Finland to the back of the facility.

"I am the only other one here," Dr. Jones announces, shaking Russia out of his stupor, "Who am I seeing next?"

"Russia," Dixie announces.

Russia jumps.

'He's awake?!'

"Then Amy, then Tex, then Care."

"Then you?" she questions.

He doesn't answer.


Hi guys!! I'm so sorry for the wait. I'm trying very hard to get through my transition of moving and summer. My commissions are open if you wanna help support me, but don't feel pressured to. I love you guys and I hope you like the short update.

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