Chapter 10

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Tony clears his throat and looks at me with the smile that he always shows the press. And obviously, he had to talk first since his ego would probably take a hit if he didn't."So Shadow, we have a few questions for you." "Before we start, I won't answer any questions about my identity, age, and such questions. Anything else I might answer or I might not, depending on the questions ok?."

 Tony sighs and everyone else just stays quiet for now. "Fine. Just one question about your identity. How many people know about both sides of your life?" "One and a half. Before you ask one person knows me by name and so on. The other only knows my face, as in they saw me with the suit on but without a mask. So they probably don't know my name, but theoretically could find it out. And I won't go into details of it." Everyone, besides Bruce, looks confused at me. But since I said I won't go into any details, no one questions it.

The next person to ask me a question is Natasha and god it's hard to contain my inner fangirl right now. "We asked маленький паук this question already about himself, so I'm curious what your answer is. Why do you go out and help the people of the city." (little spider)

"Interesting question, is there a way I can dodge that question though?" Natasha looks at me with a suspicious look and so does everyone else, but Natasha is the one to speak up. "Why would you want that?" "Because probably unlike our булочка с корицей over here, my reason isn't as heroic and more selfish and I rather don't share it." (cinnamon roll)

I notice that Spidey looked at the ground after I called him a cinnamon roll and wonder when he learned Russian. What I didn't see however is that Natasha looked even more suspicious now than before. But before I could ask Spidey where he learned Russian, Natasha talked again. "That doesn't matter. Everyone is here for a different reason. Plus no one can compare to him he is too pure."

I sigh and look at my hands. "Let's just say, I did some bad stuff and hurt people that didn't deserve it in my past. And I guess this is kinda my way of making up for it you know? In the past, I used my powers for bad and now I use them for good. Or at least try to use them for good."




I became more and more suspicious of Shadow the more we questioned her. Especially since she seems to speak fluent Russian and did things that she wasn't proud of in her past. I can't shake the feeling that the Red Room had his hands on her in the past, but they normally don't do experiments. But they did, however, cooperate with Hydra, who did those experiments.

I looked around the room and sighed as I see the only language that no one else besides me speaks in this room is Vietnamese. And I would like to speak with her without anyone else listening in, so I guess I just have to hope she can somehow speak it.

"Bạn có thể hiểu tôi bóng?" (Can you understand me shadow?) She looked confused at me and I thought she didn't understand me, but she did speak up. 

"Tại sao chúng ta nói bằng tiếng Việt?" (Why are we speaking in Vietnamese?) Everyone else looked at us confused and Tony wanted to say something but I shoot him a death glare and he closes his mouth again. 

"Tôi muốn nói chuyện với bạn một mình. Và đây là ngôn ngữ duy nhất tôi có thể nói mà không ai khác nói được." (I would like to speak to you alone. And this is the only language I can that no one else speaks.) Shadow looks at me for a few seconds but nods then. "Bạn đã ở trong Phòng Đỏ?" (Were you in the Red Room?) Shadow looked shocked and I could see I was right. The problem is, it seems I might have triggered a panic attack with that question.

"EVERYONE BESIDES SHADOW AND ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" Everyone looked shocked at me but quickly left. As soon as only Shadow and I were in the room I quickly went over to her bed and tried to calm her down.

"Shadow, calm down it's ok. I'm here with you. You're not alone. You're in the Avenger Tower and not back there. No one is going to hurt you." I continued to try and calm her down until I noticed her breath are slowing down and she is slowly calming down."I'm sorry." I barely caught what Shadow said since she spoke so quietly. "No need to apologize. I know how traumatic it can be there. I shouldn't have brought it up like that." All Shadow did was nod."How about this. You try to get some rest while I explain to the team to give you some space ok? I won't tell them about the Red Room if you don't want them to know by the way." "Please don't tell them." I smile down at her. "Sure just ask Friday to call me, Bruce, or anyone if you need something ok?" Shadow nods again and I head out leaving her alone. I head to the living room, since normally everyone heads there and who would have guessed everyone is there. "Ok guys. For now, the med bay is off limits Shadow needs rest, and unless Friday doesn't call us no one gets in ok? The only exception is Bruce if he needs to do checkups." Everyone just nods and just continues to keep doing what they were doing before.

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