Chapter 5

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After calming myself down, with the help of Red, I thought it would be best to start the homework that needed to be done by tomorrow. I got about halfway through the homework when I got another text. I expected it to be Red since I still haven't got the opportunity to see Nakisha to get her number. But I'm surprised to see that the message is from an unknown number.


Heyo I'm a friend of Nat.


whos nat? do you mean red?



She is going to kill me if she finds out I told you her name.


your lucky i already knew she was a woman or else you would be double dead


How about we just move on?

So how do you know Red?


ask her about it

i dont know why but if got the feeling she doesnt know youre texting with me

oh but i might be feeling to tell you if you tell me a nickname or a name for you


Ok? Well I like bows and arrows 


your name shall be





Really? Cmon I'm a dude.

*Red and Kaze Chat*


just wanted to tell a guy who claims to know you texted me

he says he likes bows and arrows




I try to help Wanda as well as I can with her problem, even though I can't shake the feeling she is just distracting me. But I did spend less time with her and I do feel bad for that. So I guess I can help her even if it is a fake problem. After a while, I notice my phone vibrates on the couch and Wanda motions me to look with a smile. I go over to my phone and read the text. I look at Wanda, still with a smile. "Wanda, sweetie you wouldn't know anything about Clint taking my phone would you?" As I talked I came slowly closer to Wanda and I could tell that she knew something. "Well... I... You see..." I sigh and look at her. "Look, If you had asked me about it I probably would have told you. But I don't know about Clint, you know how he can be. And even though he is a trained spy, he just isn't good with secrets. We both laugh and Wanda relaxes. "So you wouldn't mind me texting with her as well?" "Well, you and Pietro are the closest to her in age so I guess there shouldn't be a problem. Plus you need contact with teenagers as well." I could tell Wanda is happy about that. "How about this, since it's already pretty late. Let's make a group chat with you, Clint, me and the girl tomorrow morning ok?




I decide to ignore Katniss for now and focus on my homework or else I won't ever finish. It takes me another thirty minutes to finish my homework. I look at my phone and see it's already past midnight, so I quickly make myself bed ready and try to sleep. I end up sleeping for 4 hours as I needed around 1 hour to fall asleep and woke up an hour early because I got another nightmare. God, I hate that my memories from that time still come back to haunt me. I wish I could just forget all about it. I take my time with everything since I woke up an hour earlier than usual, but somehow I still manage to leave ten minutes later than I should. Now I need to sprint or else I will be too late. I barely make it in time for class and sit down on my place next to MJ. Our teacher comes into class and I start to doze off since I know most of what he teaches anyway. The day goes by as normal and I head out of class to get my stuff for the next lesson. I was too much in my thoughts to see Flash standing in my way and I ran straight into him. "Watch it bitch." Flash says and looks at me with anger. I just look at him bored and try to just go on with my day since I don't really have the energy to fight him right now. But of course, he doesn't care about that. He pulls me back and pushes me against a locker. "Now where do you think you are going? I think after running into someone you should at least say sorry or didn't your parents tell you that? Oh, wait your parents are dead aren't there." Flash probably thinks he struck a nerve with his comment about my parents, but since I never met them I honestly couldn't care less. And even though I'm pressed against the locker and surrounded by a few guys taller than me I start to chuckle lightly. Flash just looks more pissed and punches into the locker right next to my face, but I just look him into his eyes.

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