Jake vs Bullies

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Ashley's pov.

I wake up with something warm against my back, I look down to see an arm around my waist. I remember last night and turn around and snuggle into Jake "morning ashy." I hear Jakes sleepy voice, I giggle "morning Jakey." He laughs and I look up at him "I don't wanna go to school today." I say "but we have to ashy." I sigh "your no fun." I say poking his nose, he kisses my forehead "come on, we have to get ready." I sigh and sit up "I don't wanna get dressed." He laughs "well you have to." He picks me up and carries me to his room, he put me on his bed and starts going through his closest, he pulls out a par of black skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides shirt "you can get anything else you need, in my moms room, she won't mind." I nod and walk back to my room and put on the close he gave me plus the same bra from yesterday. I walk into his mothers room and see a vanity full of makeup, I pull out some eyeliner, foundation, black lipstick, and mascara and quickly put it on. I walk out of his moms room and see him exiting his room "hey." He says hugging me, I reach up and kiss his lips "I love you." I say "I love you more." I laugh "not a chance Jake." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder "hey. What are you doing?" I ask, he starts spinning "j-Jake p-please st-stop." I plea, he stops and puts me on my feet "shit I didn't know you were scared." I shake my head "it's not that, I don't like not having control of my body." He nods and hugs me "I'm so fucking sorry." I laugh a bit "I should of told you earlier." I say as we grab our book bags and walk out the door. We arrive at school and talk like usual until the bell rings.

The bell rings for lunch and we are walking out of the classroom hand in hand "I hate miss.dearing!" I groan, he laughs "well, well, well, looks like the emo's are just as Emo as ever." We try to ignore them but they push us into the lockers "leave her alone!" Jake says "nah, I think we are going to have fun with her." The jocks say before they start dragging me down the hall, Jake some how gets the others off him and runs over and starts beating the ones that were dragging me. We get to the calfateria and get into the pizza line, we pay for the pizza and sit down "are you okay Ashley?" I nod, he takes a napkin and wets the end with some water from his water bottle then pats my forehead causing it to sting a bit "sorry." He whispers "thanks." I lean my head on his shoulder "eat Ashley." I nod and start eating my pizza even though I'm not hungry, after a while the bell rings for lunch to endanger we walk to class.

School ends and we are walking home, but today just isn't our day, the jocks start chasing us until they grab onto me and start dragging me into the woods "no! Let me go!" They laugh "make us." Jake runs over and starts beating some but gets out numbered, I pull out my phone and dial 911 "911 what's your emergency?" "Help, me and my boyfriend are getting jumped by some jocks from school." "Help is on the way ma'am, do you know your location?" "It's not far from Ocean View Education Center." "Ash run! Get out of here!" I hear Jake and turn around to see him laying on the ground and the jocks walking over to me "please hurry." I say into the phone, I start backing up, I hear sirens in the distance "SHIT!" I hear the jocks scream, they start running and I run over to Jake "Jake wake up." he opens his eye "a-ash... a-are y-you o-okay?" I nod " ma'am we need you to step away from him for a little while." I nod and place a soft kiss on Jakes lips before moving for the paramedics "n-no. A-Ashley, c-come back." The paramedics move a bit so i can sit beside him "I'm still hear Jake, I'm not going anywhere." He smiles "d-did th-they g-get them?" He asks "their searching for them now." The paramedics move him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance "Jake, when they take you into the operating room, I'm not allowed to be in there so I need you to be strong okay?" He smiles "o-okay, a-as long a-as you are th-there wh-when I w-wake up." I smile "where else would I be, besides with you when you wake up." he smiles "you have a really amazing smile ashy." I place a soft gentle kiss on his forehead "so do you Jakey." he yawns "I'm tired." I look down at him "Jake, you have to stay awake for now okay?" He sighs "fine, but only because you say that I have to" I smile "good" the paramedics look at us like we're crazy "I love you ash" i laugh "I love you too Jake" he laughs "when I get better, I'm taking you on a date." I laugh a bit "okay." the ambulance stops and we have to get out "stay with me as long as you can Ashley." I nod "I will Jake." we get to the doors and I have to stops "Be strong Jake, I'll be right beside you when you wake up okay." he doesn't have time to respond.

A few hours later and he is out of the operating room, I'm in the recovery room because he talks in his sleep no matter what, even a medicated sleep, and he kept asking for me in his sleep. I'm sitting beside him playing Saviour by Black Veil Brides, I'm also singing, he stirs a bit and opens his eyes, I smile but I don't stop singing and he doesn't interrupt me because he loves my voices and this song. The song ends and the first thing out of my mouth is "I told you I would be here when you woke up." he smiles "yeah. I love you ash." I smile "I love you too Jake." he smiles, the doctor walks in "well, looks like he is wide awake." me and Jake laugh a little "hey doc" Jake says, I laugh "hello doctor James." "hello Ashley and Jake." "let's cut to the chase doc, when am I getting out of this place?" The doc laughs "we are going to keep you over night to see how everything went and if it's good then by tomorrow afternoon." I nod "and Ashley is not leaving." Jake says, I giggle and the doctor nods "very well." The doctor said.

After talking about random things some nurses walk in a bed for me along with a pillow and blanket "thank you." I said to them, they nod and leave. after another hour a nurse brings in 3 trays, one for me, one for Jake, and one for the person beside us, I open the lid and see spaghetti and meatballs "why do I find irony in this?" I say looking at Jake, he laughs "it's night time, we are eating spaghetti, but it would be more romantic if we were outside and eating off the same plate." I smile "I can change one thing." I lay on his bed with him and put my spaghetti in the same bowl as him "we are weird." Jake says as he puts a piece of spaghetti in his mouth, I do the same and ironically it's the same spaghetti, we end up kissing like in those romantic movies, I end up laughing which also breaks the kiss "oh the irony." Jake says, we laugh. After we finish eating we cuddle and soon enough we fall asleep.

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