The wedding

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A/n ok! A few things, OMG ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!, ignore the blue hair in the first link, and I am so shocked at how many views, likes, and comments my whole story has thank you guys soooo much!
Ashley's POV(

I wake up and look over to see Beth in my bed scrolling through her phone "hey." I say, she smiles "hey. We got to get ready soon, it's your big day." She says with a smile, I laugh and nod "yeah I know, when's Stacy coming?" She looks at her messages "she's on her way now." I nod, we get up and start making food "oh and is Jay-Jay still giving me away?" Jay-Jay walks in "speak of the devil." I say he laughs "hey boo's!" I laugh and hug Jay-Jay "Heyyy! where's Jason?" He sighs "he's home sick, poor boo hasn't felt really good for a few days now." I now and me and Beth hug him "when you see him give him these hugs for us." He nods "but I thought these hugs were for me!" He puts on a fake pout "you get to help us get ready." I say with a smile, Stacy walks in "hey." She says "hey boo!" "Hey." We say "lets get started!" I say

2-hours later ( the jake part that's for later xD)

I look at them "well?" Jay-jay sniffles "your so beautiful." A tear runs down his cheek "don't cry Jay!" I say hugging him, we all join a group hug "now it's your guys's turn!" I say, they laugh and nod

-3 hours later(

We look at each other "we all look hot." Stacy says, wait did she just check out Beth's ass? Awwwww "we should hurry up, the wedding is going to start soon."we nod and starts leaving.

We arrive at the church and I start feeling nervous, Beth helps me out of the van "you look beautiful boo." Jay-jay says behind me, I smile "thanks boo." We walk up to the church and walk to where the bride goes "I'm nervous." I whisper, Stacy walks over "you better not cry! I worked hard on this masterpiece!" She says with a smile, I laugh "thanks stace. You guys are the best. I really love you's." I say as I hug them "we have a wedding to attend to." I say with a smile.

We stand at the front of the doors of the seating area, I take a deep breath and look at Jay-jay, then I look over at Stacy and Beth, I look through the glass and see everyone. suddenly the music starts, it's rebel love song is being played on the piano, I smile and first goes Beth, then goes Stacy "it's time boo." Jay jay says, I nod and we starts walking, I keep my eyes on Jake as we walk up to him, Jay-jay places my hand in jakes "you look beautiful." I smile and blush "thanks." And the pereast starts taking but I'm not listening, more like I can't hear over my own heart beat but whatever, then we are told to stand "Do you ashley jewels, take Jake Guilbert to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I smile "I do." Jake smiles "do you Jake Guilbert, take Ashley Jewels to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Jake smiles "you may now kiss the bride." Jake kisses me, his lips moving slowly and passionately against mine.

1 hour later(

Me and Jake are cuddling in bed watching movies, the babies start to kick "Jake, they are kicking." I say with a giggle, he smiles, and puts a hand on my stomach "they have a strong kick mrs. Guilbert." I smile and laugh "I love you." He kisses me "I love you two." I yawn "what time is it?" I ask he looks at his phone "almost midnight," I nod and close my eyes "wait, 5...4...3..2..." He kisses my lips, about a minute later I look at the clock to see 12:01 "you kissed me at 12 am, nice."i say with a laugh "go to sleep goof ball." I say pushing him down onto the bed, I lay down and rest my head on him "night pillow."i say, he laughs "nigh, I love you." I smile "I love you two." I say, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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