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(trust me, this chapter will be boring in the beginning but will get better)

I walked down, towards the box.

I scanned my card on the scanner and the light turned from red to green.

The door opened.


Behind the cell door was nothing but a tiny bed cramped in there along with a small sink and toilet. 

But, however, today it held a prisoner. 

In the prisoner's mind, he was just a old friend that was locked up. But, it was far from it.

The prisoner's name was Murray Hill.


I set down the file my boss had given me on the small wooden table that was in front of a cell.

"Hello, Murray," I spoke to the shadow behind the bars. "Long time no see."

The shadow stepped closer to the bars and the light showed its face; a man in his 20s with dull green eyes and beard. His handcuffs made his hands stuck together in front of him, always, except when eating his meals.

The man at first said nothing, but then broke into a grin.

"Hey, Ben!" he said. "It's been a long time."

Ben flicked through the file and pulled out a photo. He showed it to Murray.

"Is this you?" he demanded.

Murray hesitated. After a moment too long, he said, "Yeah."

The photo showed Murray along with some other people at a coffee shop. The photo was really grainy and the quality was poor, however, you could still make out the faces in the picture: Murray, Ashley Sparks, Warren Reeves, and Dane Brammage.

Ben pulled out the chair and sat down, looking seriously at the file. He pulled out several other papers and quickly got to work asking questions. 

"When did you meet up with them?" Ben referred to the picture.

Murray thought for a second. "About 2 months before I was captured and put into this stupid cell."

Ben widened his eyes. "Oh, no. Then the rumors are true." he muttered.

"What rumors?" Murray asked.

"Rumors that you have really started many organizations that are located in many public areas. We found one of your bases, exactly 2 months ago." Ben replied.

Murray laughed. "The CIA is getting old, you are all missing a crucial part of the information."

Ben stared coldly, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, that not only am I the most infamous person in the criminal world, but that you and the CIA forgot to put up some defenses." Murray sneered.

At that moment, Warren Reeves appeared in front of Murray's cell with a key in his hand. Like usual, he was in full camouflage gear; he had painted his clothes and bare skin the exact same color grey as the color of the box.

Ben tensed up, stood, and moved forward to prevent Warren from doing anything harmful.

But, of course, someone had to come to intervene. Ashley Sparks attacked from behind. She threw a punch and knocked Ben off balance. Ben reached for the emergency alarm on the wall near him only to find that the handle had been snapped. He cursed under his breath.

Meanwhile, Murray was doing an excellent job of cheerleading. "Go, team!" he shouted with delight. "C'mon, Warren! Hurry up, already!" Murray was tapping his foot impatiently. Then he jumped up and cheered for Ashley, who had just landed a kick to Ben's face. 

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