Ben-rolled (Part 2)

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Ben sat up, groaning, clutching his head that was wet and sticky with blood.

"Where am I?" Ben murmured to himself. Then he suddenly remembered. His own cockiness which led to his downfall. Literally.

Wobbling, Ben managed to stand up and take in his surroundings. He was at the bottom of the chasm. The two rocky sides of the chasm stood quite afar from each other, and some scraggly undergrowth grew here.

Ben looked up, expecting to see a height of the chasm he could easily scale and get back to his men.

Instead, what he saw shocked him. The chasm's height was at least over ten stories high! No way he'd survived a fall that great. And yet, he did. (yeh cus i needed u to carry my story..i couldn't just kill you off...could i? 😏)

Stumbling around, he noticed there was a small cave near the dead-end of the chasm.

I'll camp in there for the night, he thought. The sun was setting and night creatures will come out in search of prey.

Ben hobbled to the cave and peered inside. It was decent, almost had a circle-ish shape, pretty big in size, and the ceiling was high. A small fire was already crackling in the center of the cave. A kettle was placed over it, hanging from a stick that stuck firmly in the dirt, while the stick that the kettle was hanging from was attached to the thin wooden pole with twine.

As Ben roved around in the cave, he noticed many other things about the place: there were wooden chairs and a table crammed into a corner while there was an intricately made bed in the other corner.

And was that a small kitchenette over there?

"Wow," Ben breathed, drinking in everything. All was pretty much home made, scavenged from the chasm's scarce materials.

He heard footsteps coming and quickly stumbled to hide behind some massive toadstools that were amassing in a small, shadowed corner.

Ben's body tensed with a tint of anticipation. He kind of wanted to meet this person that built all these wonderful things in the wild.

Peeking from behind the toadstools, Ben was shocked to see a person with raven-black hair and ice-blue eyes staring right back at him.

He totally didn't scream his head off, losing his usual calm demeanor. But hey, if you turned to see a person staring into your soul like that you'd most likely scream like that too- probably even louder and more intense.

Ben yelped with surprise and backed away.

The stranger regarded him with hostility and a bit of curiosity.

"Who are you?" the mysterious figure demanded. "And why are you in my territory?"

"Uhh. . . " Ben was dumbfounded. He was too busy crushing on this person he'd just met for 5 seconds. (lol, pretty much sums up Ben in Spy School 😂)

"Er- um-" Ben stumbled over his words.

"Answer me right now!" commanded the person.

"I fell down the chasm and then found your uh, humble abode." Ben said, then thought to add, "And I also am injured and need help." 

The figure regarded him with an icey look. "Okay," she said carefully. "Let me get this straight; you survived a fall that was over a hundred feet. And you broke into my home."

"Wait, this is your actual home?" Ben mentally smacked himself while the attractive stranger looked like she wanted to smack him. Stupid of him to assume this couldn't be her actual home, after all everyone has different preferences.

"Noo, this is where I sit down and enjoy the view of the rocky terrain- Well of course it is my home, what else? And you literally broke into it."

"To be fair, there was no door. No barrier to stop me, so I pretty just strolled into here. That doesn't necessarily count as breaking and entering." Ben pointed out.

"And I think your home is really creative, all very authentic and aesthetic." Ben added.

The stranger gave him a wary look.

"Well, you don't seem much of a threat." she considered her options. "I'll help you, but then you must immediately get out of here, forget about this place, and never mention it to anyone. Got it?"

Ben let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. . ." he trailed off, realizing he forgot his manners. Ben stuck out his hand, the one that was bloody and scraped. "I'm Benjamin Ripley, commander of a small troop that I was separated from a while ago. But you can call me Ben."

The stranger hesitated for a second but finally shook his hand firmly. Her grip was strong.

She flashed a smile. "I'm Erica Hale."

Finally. I grinded for an hour for this small chapter- next chapter, I promise, will definitely be longer for sure. I'm happy with the way Ben-Rolled is taking into a cool series.

Now, because I'm feeling not-so-generous, I'll leave you all on a cliff hanger ;))


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