FFVII-The 7th Heaven

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The main title flashes on the screen as the menu fades in from all black. Revealing you as you fall and reach for someone. A shadowed arm reaching out for you.

In your right hand is your Keyblade. While falling beside you is Aquas Keyblade. The necklace you wear is of a way finder. And at the top of the screen Is a title

My Crazy Fantasy

Then options appear beside the art.


New Game



As you fall, you constantly reach for the figure. The cursor selects continue as a soft piano melody plays as everything fades to white.

You stand on the train Platform as you look up and see the plates "Wow" you say. Cloud walks past you as Tifa does the same. Aerith hopped off at sector 5

"So this is the Undercity huh" you say as you step off the platform and begin to follow cloud and Tifa "Yep. This is it" cloud says with his classic monotone voice.

"This place may not be pretty, but it's a haven for everyone who can't afford or aren't welcome to be on the plates" Tifa says as she looks to you.

As you walk you bump into somebody "sorry" you say. They look at you before they resume their own walking.

You look forward as you casually walk as you follow cloud and Tifa. Peopl gave you looks. Unlike cloud and Tifa who were known throughout sector 7. At least for the most part cloud was still relatively new.

They focused on you more because they didn't recognize you. And sector 7 civilians knew everyone.

As you walk you give someone a two finger wave "hey" you look the other direction "how's it going"

You then look back to cloud as he stops and turns to face you. "We should split here" he says. Tifa turns as well "have a look around and familiarize yourself with the place. Then meet us at 7th Heaven when your done"

You rub your head "where is it?" Tifa giggles "don't worry, you can't miss it" with that said, Tifa and cloud start to leave as you shrug and turn around "Alright. Looks like I'm flyin solo"

*welcome to sector 7, the main hub for Midgar. While you are here you will have access to shops, training and general activities. You can also accept jobs and side activities to make munny and gain popularity.*

As you step forward a menu appears on the screen. The party menu screen.

The party menu shows just yourself as you walk casually. Underneath you is your Health, Magic and Level.

Right now you only have acces to certain activities as you aren't popular and the general public doesn't really care much for you. But as you complete more activities and gain popularity you will be given acces to more options when it comes to things to do

The menu closes as you stretch "Let's see what this world has to offer"

You then walk down the stairs as a small crowd gathers and talks. You reach the bottom of the stairs and turn right as you start walking down the dirt path.

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