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You stand with your arms crossed as you stare at Hojo. He is talking with Heideggar and the President as he makes hand gestures towards you.

You are in your own cell. Instead of reinforced glass it's an actual force field blocking you in.

After Hojo finished explaining whatever he is talking about, he approached you with the president and Heideggar.

When they get close. Hojo smiled as he stepped aside as Heideggar spoke first "we finally have you boy, you were no match for the night of shinra"

You just sigh and remain quiet.

Your jacket and gauntlet were gone. Your jacket was being tested on by Hojo as well as your gauntlet. Seeing as your armor and clothes are specifically made by the 3 hood fairies to protect you with powerful magic.

But they haven't gotten your keyblade.

"Who are you?" Heideggar asks. You say nothing.

"Why are you here?" He asks. You just roll your eyes. Then he scowls as he crosses his arms too "the strong silent type. We will get answers from you soon"

Then the president stepped forward "What is that weapon you have? The weapon that is capable of hurting those creatures when my men cannot. The only weapon that can harm those things. What is it?"

You look at him and say a single word "Keyblade"

He tilts his head "a keyblade?" Hojo speaks "mr. President sir, with the VR headset I was able to see one of his memories. He is not the only one capable of wielding this weapon. But from what I gather, only those chosen worthy by these weapons are able to wield them"

Heideggar replies "these weapons have sentience?" Hojo nods "while I don't think it's actually sentience like a mind, I believe it's more of a right of passage thing. Sort of like when the old samurai would gift their weapons to their children, they had to prove themselves worthy and honorable to get one"

You look at Hojo as he looks to you "Your not from this planet are you. Where did you come from? What is your purpose and where can we get one of these keyblades?"

You uncross your arms and hold out your right hand and close it as your keyblade manifests.

"Incredible!" Heideggar says "interesting" the president adds. Hojo growls "aaarh! Give it to me! I cannot test it and replicate it without data!"

You open your hand as it vanished "sorry. But even if you did get it from me, it would just disappear. Only I can call it and use it. So if you want data, I need to be the one doing the tests. And I don't work with people like you"

Hojo looks away with frustration "we will see about that" he then starts walking "right this way gentlemen, his armor and clothing are being tested as well, let me show you the results"

As Heideggar and president shinra walk towards the other cell where your items were stored, autonomous machines are testing them.

"Here we have the subjects Armor and Clothing. From beta I've managed to gather, his armor some form of a magic enchantment, possibly. As we've seen during the fights, he can fully form his armor around him when he needs it, but when he is not using it it takes the form of this gauntlet here which he wears on his left arm, same for his clothes. They have a certain level of magic energy infused with them, they seem to grant him extra protection against those creatures of darkness, seeing that they ar enjoy regular clothes our soldiers can hurt him by the creatures have more difficulty."

Heideggar looks at you "so he's a magic man." Hojo nods "most likely. Form the memory I watched, his name is y/n and he lost his home world over 11 years ago. He's been searching for his two friends ever since. And he even has himself a significant other"

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