Aranea Highwind.

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You sit sandwiched between Gladiolus and Noctis as Ignis drove down the road. It was around midnight and the sky was pitch black. The land was dark and could only been seen by a few feet with the cards headlight.

Noctis slept as he leaned against the door. Gladiolus hung his arm over the door as he scrolled down his phone. Just looking at stuff. And Ignis as holding his hands behind his head as he Yawned. He held his eyes closed a she relaxed. Ignis kept his hands firmly on the wheel as he drove. Focusing on the road.

"Y/n" Ignis says as you look up from your lap and lean forward "what's up Ignis?" Ignis looked at you in the mirror "Would you be able to retrieve an Ebony for me?" You rub your head "Ebony?" He nods "Black Coffee, I prefer them over the Soda Noctis and Prompto always carry"

You nod "oh yea sure, where is it?" He looks forward "the cooler is underneath your seat"

You sit back as you look down, you don't see a way to open it as there just isn't enough room.

So instead you raise your hand and summon your keyblade as Gladiolus lifts his head from his phone to look at you. "Hey IgnisX what does the can look like?" You ask as he replies "it is black with a red trim around the lid, and bold Words written in Times new Roman. "Ebony" is on the can"

You nod "gotcha" after a moment you let go of your keyblade as it vanishes, and instead an Ebony can drops from the air as you catch it.

You look at it and nod "here you go" he reaches his hand back as he takes it and nods "Thank you"

You sit back "yea no problem" then Gladiolus raises his eyebrow "how did you do that?" You look over at him "It's kinda like when I summon someone to help, I can think about whatever ti want, and bam, I can summon it"

Gladio nods "Can it be anything?" You smile "yea, as long as it's not a god or something pretty much"

Gladio nods a she puts his phone into his pocket. "Could it be a slice of a Bacon, Sausage, pineapple and olive pizza? With stuffed crust?"

You chuckle "absolutely." You summon your keyblade again and hold it up for a moment. Then just as you get ready, you grab Gladio's hand "here" you then recall your keyblade as the pizza slice falls from above and lands in Gladio's hand. He chuckles "Nice" you laugh as you watch him begin to enjoy his pizza. Then Prompto turns around and sits on his knees a she looks over the seat "Yo y/n, if we are getting free stuff could I get-"

Ignis suddenly puts his Ebony in the cup holder as he yells "Everyone get ready!" He then slams on the breaks as everyone lurches forward. Noctis yelled as he smacked the back of ignis's seat face first, you reached out and grabbed both his and Prompto seats for balance. Gladio lurched forward as he dropped his pizza, and Prompto almost fell back but he grabbed his seat

"What the hell ignis!" Noctis yells. Prompto looks at him "yea Cmon iggy what's the deal!" Gladio was about to speak about his pizza, when you point forward "Guys what are those?!"

Everyone looks forward as Ignis pushes his glasses up "Demons! Everyone we must clear the way if we are to reach hammerhead!"

Noctis growls with annoyance as he climbs out of the car. Gladio angrily wipes the pizza grease off his hands as he steps out, and Prompto hops over the side.

You follow Noctis out as Ignis closes the doors. "Everyone ready! We have 2 red giants! And plenty of Bombs!"

You summon your keyblade "Bombs? Giants? I've seen these guys before!"
As everyone summons their weapons, you turn to Noctis "Noctis, allow me to take the lead!" He rolls his eyes "Yea whatever! Let's just be quick!"

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