New York's Finest

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We now introduce the party system.

Like most games. You can choose to travel alone or with a small group of Allie's. This being said, we will allow you to choose your current party.

The game menu opens to show you standing in a hallway against a wall. Kind of like a jail line up.

When the menu opens you are looking in another direction, but then you turn your head and see the camera as you flick your nose with your thumb and turn to face it. Now having the ability to manually select your games party.

The cursor selects the open space beside you as a list of names appear. The cursor first Selects Roxas as he walks through a gateway and stands beside you. Ready for action.

The cursor then selects the second slot and chooses Peter as he backflips and lands in his place dressed in his spider suit

Remember, while you are not required to choose your party stat wise, it is recommended that if you are struggling to pass a segment then perhaps choose a party that suits the current situation.

The menu the closes as the level begins.


As Spider-Man swings above you, he races towards the area that scorpion and Rhino are fighting.

"You guys go ahead and take care of any monsters that show up! I'm gonna see Rhino and scorpion and see if I can calm them down!"

He swings around a corner as below on the street, you and Roxas run forward.

You running in your animation while Roxas holds his Keyblade over his shoulder as he runs. "What's the problem?!" Roxas shouts.

You look at him "I don't know! But if rhino and scorpion are out there's a chance the others are too! But come on we gotta deal with the current problem!"

As Roxas looks at you he shouts "what problem?!"

Then the two of you stop as a ginormous nobody rises from the ground. Sending debris and rubble everywhere as it exits the ground.

You and Roxas look up at it as you chuckle "Ready for round too?" You ask. Then Roxas looks back to you "you seen this one before?!" You nod "yea! This is the very same one that separated me and Ven! In the cosmos!"

Roxas nods a she looks forward in his stance. "Let's take it down!" You nod and get ready "With me!"

Cutscene end

Information:Defeat the Nobody before it destroys the city! Pay attention to the destruction gauge as you fight!

As you engage the battle. A small skyscraper icon appears on the top right corner of the screen with a flashing yellow bar beside it. Indicating the cities health.

The giant nobody turned into a strange tripod like alien monster as you and Roxas run toward it.

It looked down at you as it roared a deep and statically voice. You and Roxas get ready to attack it as it spawns multiple sharp nobody thorns that fly at you.

You trigger the reversal command as as you flip sideways. Then again as you spin left and then a final time as you front flip and dash at the nobody.

You reach its face as you smack it with your keyblade as it seemed unfazed. But as you prepare to attack again you fall down. You land on your back and roll backwards with momentum as Roxas runs past you.

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