Chapter 8

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"You can't control me- you can't, I won't let you!" Marinette yelled as she felt his grip loosen. She held her head and focused on everyone she loved. Hawkmoth would use her to hurt her friends, her family, her partner. His grip slipped away and Marinette found herself on her knees, her vision blurry with tears. Her senses came back, she could feel the soft grass beneath her and she controlled her breath until her heart slowed. "I can't believe he almost got to me," she said quietly holding her purse where she could feel Tiki pressing against the side, "Wait, the Akuma!" She wiped around looking for the purple butterfly. The park seemed peaceful, until she saw the purple bubbling take form around someone. Alya! No this was all her fault, she shook the thought away watching Lady Wifi take form, clearly communicating with Hawkmoth.

Marinette pushed her self against the tree making sure no one was around, "Tiki! Spots on!"

With a flash she was Ladybug, confident, clear headed, and ready to get her best friend back. She stepped out from behind the tree to get another look at Lady Wifi. She watched her pause the nearby civilians seemingly searching for someone.

"Marinette I will find out what you're hiding from me!" Lady Wifi shouted out to no one in particular. Ladybug was about to approach but she faltered, this was all her fault, if she had could control her thoughts Hawkmoth never would have sent out an Akuma.

"Hey Bugaboo, are we waiting for something?" Chat Noirs voice startled Ladybug making her jump and almost lose her yo-yo. She regained her composure quickly giving Chat a stern look and used her yo-yo to take off towards the villian. Hidden from Wifi's view, Ladybug threw her yo-yo at the phone trying to know it from her grasp. Lady Wifi dodge adeptly but was knocked to the ground from Chats baton. Ladybug took the opportunity to step on the phone that had fallen to the ground, it cracked but no butterfly appeared. Ladybug look dumfounded at the phone, she had messed up again but it should have been there.

"Ladybug!" She heard the shout only a moment before she felt Chat Noirs arms around her lifting her into the air and onto a rooftop. 

"M'lady are you okay?" his eyes were wide with worry, Ladybug looked so... defeated. He hadn't seen her like this since their first akuma together. She looked at him blankly before falling to her knees.

"I-I can't do it Chat," she said staring at her shaky hands, she didn't think she would still feel the rising panic as ladybug but it was still there, deep in her chest.

"Of course you can M'lady," he said taking a knee beside her, "all we need is your lucky charm and I'm sure we can get through this together." Ladybug hesitated for a moment longer but she couldn't wallow in self pity, at least not yet. She nodded and pushed herself up.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug watches a small round object drop in her hands, a red with black spots Macaron.

"What could we paw-sibly do with a Macaron?" Chat asks leaning in to inspect it.

"Of course!" Ladybug exclaimed realizing what she as Marinette had left behind, "I lef- I saw Alya's friend get in an argument with her friend and a box of macarons were left behind, the Akuma must be in one!"

"Marinette," Chat muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing. If one of his macarons held the akuma then Marinette could be in danger. Ladybug had already swung away as Chat Noir scanned the streets trying to find his dark haired friend but she was no where to be seen. The only blue haired girl was Ladybug standing off with Lady Wifi. He would have to help end this fight quickly so he could make sure Marinette was safe. He jumped down interrupting the villian hero banter between the two girls.

"In her pocket Chat," Ladybug yelled twirling her yo-yo, she pointed to a small pocket that hadn't been there in their previous battles with Lady Wifi. He nodded lunged forwards with his baton in sync with Ladybug throwing her yo-yo. Lady Wifi struggled to dodge both and was left off balance. Chat shifted his weight quickly pushing the villian up and off her feet. Ladybug pulled her yo-yo tight around Lady Wifi and reached to pull a small pink macaron out of her pocket.

"No! I have to find out what is going on with Marinette!" Lady Wifi yelled. Chat waited for Ladybug to break the akumatized object but in the moment nothing happened he saw her freeze just long enough for Lady Wifi to pull free and lunge for the macaron. She grabbed it roughly pushing Ladybug to the side, Chat jumped forwards and pulled his baton around her, forcing her arms down and the macaron fell to the ground. All of his weight was used to keep the villian from moving as she struggled. He twisted his head around to where Ladybug was laying on the ground, she looked stunned but not hurt. Why wasn't she getting up? He was lurched forwards as Lady Wifi threw him off. He spun in the air and landed on all fours, if Ladybug wasn't going to break the Macaron he would.

"Cataclysm!" Now all he had to do was touch it, he pushed him self forward with all of his strength to get to it first. Lady Wifi had it in her hand by the time Chat got to her, he pushed off with one hand so he was flying upside down facing her. She tried to protect it but he was quicker and with one claw the macaron had turned to dust. He landed behind what was Lady Wifi, now Alya, standing confused in the street. He looked towards Ladybug slightly annoyed at her absence but the moment he saw her his breath caught at how small she looked. 

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