Chapter 15

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The sound of the four friends laughing & talking filled the now empty restaurant. Most of its patrons left during the attack and hadn't bothered to come back. Being practically the only ones there the four of them had decided to make a night of it, getting dessert and milk shakes. Adrien stole glances at Marinette throughout the night, she looked so happy and carefree. It was a welcome change from her distant distracted mood for the last few months, he tried talking to her at school but she always seemed too tired to continue a conversation or it ended with her running off. Talking to her as Chat Noir had felt right, like they could both be themselves. He was turning Marinette's words over in his head, was it right of him to be in love with Ladybug when he didn't know her under the mask? Was he just too enamoured by the hero to see who she really was, he still had no idea why she left. If he couldn't even see her absence coming, then did he really know her? He wasn't even sure he wanted to be Chat Noir anymore, it felt so wrong to be Scarabella's partner and not Ladybugs, but maybe he needed to move on if she was never coming back.

"Okay okay, you're right I am the supreme clutz," Marinette conceded with a laugh responding to something Adrien had missed.

"I am always right, just like I know none of you can finish your milkshakes before me!" Alya exclaimed, daring the table to try and beat her. Everyone quickly started trying to finish the cold drink before her. Silence briefly filled the room as they each tried to win the impromptu challenge.

"Ahhh brain freeeze!!" Marinette yelled putting her drink down far from being finished. She held her head in pain.

"Me too dudette," Nino said putting his own unfinished drink down. Adrien and Alya kept drinking until Alya put hers down harshly banging the table.

"Ughhhh I can't do it, it's too cold!" she exclaimed as Adrien finished his last gulp. Looking around at his defeated friends he threw his hands up in victory, "How did you drink the whole thing without your brain freezing!!" Alya yelled.

"I guess I'm just too hot," he retorted. His eyes widened as his friends looked at him in shock realizing what he said, "wait no I didn't mean - ughhh" he put his blushing face into his hands. The table erupted into laughter at his mistake only making him bury his face further into his arms.

"Well I think it's time we headed home," Alya said pushing herself up out her chair. The sun was setting as they paid and left the restaurant. "See you two later," she waved goodbye and latched her arm arounds Nino's with a turn to walk home.

"Gorilla won't be here to pick me up for another half an hour, I can walk you home if you like?" Adrien said turning to Marinette.

"Ye-yeah sure Adrien" she stuttered. They started walking in the direction of her parents bakery in silence, "So you're hot -I-I you mean didn't get a brain freeze, that was... crazy" she finished lamely.

"Ha ha yeah" Adrien blushed again holding the back of his neck trying to come up with something clever. His mind froze looking at the short bluenette walking beside him. The two looked away from each other cursing their awkwardness leaving the silence hang as the approached the Dupen-chang bakery. The air was crisp with the brisk cold as the last rays of sunlight set over the horizon. The lights of street lamps flickered on as they walked beneath them. The two teens turned words over in their heads trying to find something to say to end the awkward pause between them.

"Multimouse was really cool," Adrien blurted out remembering Marinette's part in the fight.

"Oh really, did you see her fight the Akuma?" Marinette asked trying to play it off innocently. Adrien nodded suddenly nervous and unsure why he had said that. It wasn't like he could tell her he knew she was Multimouse, only Chat knew that!

"Y-yeah I could see the fight through the restaurant window, she was so strong and courageous when she saved Chat Noir and Scarabella," he couldn't help but blush, he was complimenting her even if he couldn't acknowledge he meant Marinette was the one he was admiring. Marinette smiled at the compliments but her smile faded after a brief moment. Adrien panicked internally, had he said something wrong?

"Multimouse isn't anymore brave than Chat Noir or Scarabella, they save Paris everyday," she said, her eyes cast downward.

"But that only makes her even more amazing, she stepped in when no one else could," he said feeling a fierce need to defend her. Marinette stoped to look at him. He felt his heart flutter in his chest, why did he suddenly feel so nervous around her? She pursed her lips thinking carefully at what to say next. The light of headlights blinded them for a moment as a familiar black car pulled up in front of the bakery. Adrien stepped back disappointed, but he wasn't sure why he felt so upset to be interrupted. It was always sad to leave his friends and go home to his empty room but he wanted to stay with Marinette more than he usually did. He tried to shrug it off, she was just a really good friend.

"Bye Marinette, I'll see you at school on Monday," he said with a wave as his bodyguard opened the door to the car for him. He lingered for a moment at the door looking at her figure silhouetted by the light against the dark entrance to the bakery. She was beautiful. He smacked his head against the car as he sat down, the thought of her distracting him. The door closed and the car started as he stared at his friend. It was normal for friends to find each other beautiful right? 

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