Chapter 23

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Chat's words struck Marinette, she had heard every flirtatious joke in his book when she was Ladybug but this was different. She held his gaze trying to search for the meaning behind his words, was he being a good friend or something else? His green eyes were so familiar and comforting, she had missed talking to her partner. They would spend slow patrols sitting side by side letting their worries fade into the background. She longed to be beside her partner everyday as Ladybug but maybe now she could be by his side as herself?

The leather gloved hand of Chat Noir pulled her from her thoughts, he had placed his hand on the side of her face. His eyes were warm and welcoming, it would be so easy to let herself look into them forever. Chat moved his face closer to hers, his eyes flickered down to her lips, it would be so easy. She felt herself leaning forwards.

"It was our love that did this to the world," the words stopped her from moving closer to Chat, she was paralyzed with fear. If she let herself give in would it bring Chat Blanc back? Was this what he meant, was she falling in love with him?

Chat Noir felt Marinette's muscles tense before she pulled away from him and sat quietly on her bed. He couldn't help but feel disappointed, he wanted to stay close to her. He mentally scolded himself for being selfish, she had been through a lot today. He glanced up at the sky light, the longer he was here the more suspicious it would seem to his friends, he was supposed to be in the school hiding somewhere. Oh no, Alya! He remembered the scar on her cheek, the same one that Scarabella had. What was he going to do? It was dangerous to know her identity but knowing who it was made it easier to work with her, she wasn't a stranger anymore. He sighed trying to decide what to do.

"I think I need to talk to Ladybug," he said out loud. Marinette looked up at him inquisitively, "I know you can get in contact with her and it's really important," he said looking into Marinette's eyes. She looked worried but he didn't understand why.

"Umm I-I guess I can ask her but I don't know if she can," Marinette said slowly, "do you want to tell me what it's about?"

"I-I wish I could but I don't think she would want me to tell anyone else,"

"Oh okay well I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Marinette," he said taking her hands in his, she looked into his eyes startled, "I need to go but I will see you soon." He leaned forwards and gave her a kiss on the forehead. In a moment he had slipped out of the skylight leaving Marinette blushing. She fell back on her bed letting her mind spiral. She touched her forehead where he had kissed her and couldn't help but want to feel that again.

She turned to her side and pulled a pillow into her face letting it cut her off from the rest of the world so she could just imagine the feeling of him beside her again. Her thoughts turned to what had happened earlier, her smile faded as she thought about the cold voice that had taken control of her. She felt so guilty about giving in, what had she said and done while she was under his influence. She could only hope she hadn't hurt anyone. She tried to remember but it was all a blank. Wait if hawkmoth could sense her emotions did that mean he knew about Chat blanc? Did he know about her identity as ladybug? She sat up and reached for her phone, her hand shook as she thought about all the secrets she might have spilled. She looked at the names in her contacts list, who would tell her the truth? Her finger hovered over Alya's name. Her journalistic best friend who always wanted the truth, but did that mean she would tell Marinette painful facts? She finally decided and quickly pressed call so she wouldn't back out. The phone rung for a few long moments.

"Why are you calling me Dupain-Cheng??" Chloe's mocking tone made Marinette feel crazy for thinking this was a good idea.

"I-uh hi Chloe I just wanted to talk to you about what happened in class to-"

"SABRINA" Marinette pulled the phone away from her ear in pain, "You mean how you acted insane over nothing!" Marinette winced knowing Chloe was telling the truth, she probably had done something terrible. "But why are you calling me about it, ask one of your little friends."

"I want someone who will tell me the truth, I know you won't sugar coat it, please Chloe I-I need to know what happened," Marinette couldn't help but let the emotion catch in her voice. There was silence and she pulled the phone away from her ear assuming Chloe had hung up.

"Fine," Chloe's voice was quiet, "my driver will pick you up, where are you?"

"Oh I'm at home, and thank you -" the beep of the phone being hung up cutting her off. Marinette wasn't sure how to feel about the odd exchange but was already exhausted at the very thought of having a conversation with Chloe. 

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