XVI (Newt's POV)

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I said what I said and I wasn't gonna take it back now. My heart was racing out of control and my hands were shaking, but I couldn't pussy out. What would Mels thinks of me if I did?! After everything we've been through, I definitely had come to terms with my feelings for her, but...damn it, if I wasn't scared out of my mind. She was beautiful and strong. She didn't take shit from anyone even if she did need to calm down a little bit. I couldn't just let her go without expressing myself in some way. I wanted to kiss her, but I was too much of a slinthead to go the whole way. I could only get so close before hesitating. I definitely wasn't expecting Meela to lean in too! Even though the kiss was less than a second, I could still feel how soft her lips were. I needed to feel them again.

"W-What did you say?" Her voice was quiet and a bit timid. I didn't blame her. She was probably as confused as I was. I didn't know the first thing about kissing and I was nervous as all hell.

"I..." I cleared my throat, "Uh, you know, k-kissing, if you wanna do it again, I'd be okay with that."

Her grip on her legs tightened. I hoped I didn't scare her. I probably embarrassed her though. She was definitely able to read me because she knew I was leaning in for a kiss, but I had to go and open my big mouth! Now I probably confused the klunk out of her.

"You...you want to kiss me?" She asked.

I opened my mouth but couldn't find any words so I closed it and just nodded.

I watched as she looked away and bit her lip. I think she was thinking it over. I wasn't entirely sure, but it looked like it.

She kept her gaze away from me and her next words were something I'd never forget, "Okay. You can kiss me."

I nervously swallowed. What the hell was I supposed to do next?! Just go up and kiss her? I couldn't do that, could I? I mean, I asked and she said yes so I guess the next thing I should do is kiss her...RIGHT?!

She moved her hands from her legs and up to her knees where she gave those a pretty tight squeeze as well, "Are you gonna do it or not?"

I nodded, "Mm." I couldn't muster up any words! What are you supposed to say in a situation like this? Probably nothing! BUT I WOULDN'T KNOW!

I scooted over to her and pressed my side up against hers like we had been earlier. I looked at her beautiful round face and the second our eyes met I almost ducked out. I had to keep it together! I could do this! I wasn't a pussy!

I decided to just let my body take control instead of my brain. It felt like the right choice for the moment. Clearing my mind, I did the first thing I felt like doing. I slowly reached out and cupped her soft cheek in my rough hand. Bloody hell, my hand was dirty and scratchy. I hoped she didn't notice and if she did, I hoped she didn't care.

Gently, I tilted her head up and brought our faces together. I thought that my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Doing something like this was insane! The last thing on anyone's mind in the glade. Kissing a girl? I'm all honesty, I thought there weren't any left considering how boys kept coming up in the box.

When our lips finally met it was soft and cautious. I didn't know what I was doing and I was sure Mels didn't either. We were just going to do what we thought was right. I closed my eyes and did my best as to what I thought deepening the kiss would be like. My free hand moved to her knee while the other held it's position on her face. I could feel her arms wrap around my neck which for some reason made me feel the need to put my hands on her hips. I couldn't explain it, but our position felt right. For some reason it made me want to pull her in closer so I did just that.

In that very moment, I didn't want anything more. Holding her, being this close to her, touching her was all I could think about. My brain turned everything else off and only wanted one thing: her. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Morning you two!" Minho beamed.

Well, maybe something, or rather someone could ruin it.

My eyes widened and I could feel my heart skip a beat. I quickly pulled back from Meela and lightly (what I thought was light) pushed her.

"Minho!" I turned and looked up at him. Did he see us?! What was he going to think?! What was he going to say?! How screwed was I?!

"Hey!" Meela protested as she fell on to her back.

"Ah! Sorry!" I reached out and pulled her up by her arm, "I didn't meant to push you like that."

Minho crouched down and smiled at us, "You two getting along okay? I don't need to come in there and break you up, do I?"

I hoped I wasn't blushing, "What? N-No, don't be ridiculous."

He frowned, "Don't be ridiculous, huh? What then? You two are getting along too well? Maybe I really do need to separate you two." He grinned and raised his eyebrows cheekily.

That made me blush, "What?! No! We're not doing anything like that you god damn slinthead! What would even give you that bloody idea?!"

Minho laughed, "Look at you!" He reached in between the bars and pinched by cheek but I swatted his hand away, "You're getting all worked up. Did I strike a nerve?" He stood back up, "Stop being a shank. You're gonna burst a blood vessel." Then he waved, "I'll see you two later!" Then he ran off towards the maze.

I let out a heavy sigh and slowly sank back down to the ground.

"What the hell did you push me for?" Meela asked. She sounded and looked upset.

"Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry. It just...I...It just sort of happened. I panicked." Not a great excuse but the truth.

She brushed the dirt off her back, "I guess I can't blame you...that was..." I noticed her cheeks started to turn red too, "Nice."

I dug my fingers into the dirt, every part of me was tense just from hearing that. It was nice. She liked it. She liked kissing me! That was good cause I liked kissing her and it would be pretty shucked if it was a one way street.

I nodded slightly, "Y-Yeah. It was." I wasn't really sure what this meant for us now. What were we to each other? We kissed so that had to have meant something, right? Did it mean we were together now? Like...a couple? Maybe it would be best to let Meela decide. I could just do things like I normally did and wait for her to tell me what was going on. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.

Meela seemed to be deep in thought now so it would probably be best to just let her be. She was probably thinking the same thing as me. Working out what this meant for us before telling me.

Kind of wished we could kiss again.

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