068 ; the whomping willow

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you look down at his finger with a growing blush.

"he bit me. scabbers" ron spins around, looking for sabbers who had run off somewhere, he runs off after seeing his tail.

"ron. ron!" hermione shouts.

"ron!" harry calls.

you all run after him, "scabbers, come back!"

he runs over the hill with you all following him, "wait!" you shout, he continues running.

he runs down, dropping down near the whomping willow, picking scabbers back up.

you watch nervously.

"scabbers, you bit me!" ron whines.

"harry, [name], you do realise what tree this is?"

you nod cautiously.

"that's not good. ron, run!"

but ron's eyes go wide, scabbers was squealing aggressively in his hold.

he points behind you all, "harry, hermione, [name], run!!"

you look back, eyes going wide.


it was the same dog you had been seeing before hogwarts had started, it's matted black fur and yellow eyes glowering at you all.

it growled loudly, running towards you, harry and hermione, jumping right ver you and towards ron.

it barked and growled madly, grabbing ron by his leg, sinking his teeth in and dragging him away.

"harry!" he cries.

you all run after him, "ron! ron, wait!"

"ron!" you and hermione both shout in worry.

"harry!!" he cries again, "help!" he squeals as he's dragged into a hole in the trunk of the whomping willow.

you and harry jump forwards, barely skimming his fingers with your own before he was dragged fully in.

his screams echo as he's pulled in further, you jump back up, ready to chase after him but you're all knocked back by a swinging branch.

you tumble backwards, coughing and rubbing your chest.

you all gte up with you and hermione each gripping one of harry's arms.

the tree spins around as a loud cry from ron is heard again.

"come on!" harry urges.

you all run forwards, narrowly missing a branch slamming down right beside you.


hermione, you and harry all duck to opposite sides as a branch slams between you. you were next to harry and hermione was on the other side, you all sit up again, running forwards and grabbing onto each other.

your eyes go wide as a branch swings at you all, "duck!" hermione yelps, you and her drop down but harry didn't seem to get the message.

getting struck in the stomach and flying back with a groan, he hits the ground, glasses falling next to him.

both yours and hermione's eyes go wide again as a branch comes down to sweep you off your feet, you both jump. but one comes for your stomachs, it was unavoidable and got you both stuck onto it.

you screech as you and hermione get swung around crazily, you hug the branch tighter than you've ever hugged anything before.

you scream as you fly over harry, he ducks this time.

you yelp in pain as you both get flung through the leaves of the tree, feeling a fresh cut slice across your cheek.

"harry!" hermione shouts.

she was at the front of the branch, so she grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him along also.

you were lucky your skirt was long enough to sit on, otherwise you would have been flashing anyone who could see.

the branch swings you back closer to the ground, hermione drops harry right into the same hole ron had been dragged into.

you swing around again, you furrow your eyebrows, scooting closer to hermione.

"on three we jump"




you grab the back of her shirt, pulling you both off the branch and rolling into the hole.

you both land on harry, you scoot back.

"oh, i'm sorry" hermione says.

"don't worry"

you all stand back up.

"where do you suppose this goes?" hermione asks.

"i have a hunch" harry dusts himself off.

you do the same, brushing off your bottom.

"i just hope i'm wrong" he continues.

you both follow after him as he makes his way through the tunnel of sorts.



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words ; 644

date posted ; 16/04/22


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