Chapter 3 "Lead"

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I strode inside the small pub, slowly scanning the area, looking for a certain someone. After my talk with Black a few days ago, I decided that I had to do something about the information he had given me, alone, since I didn't want to burden the other agents, especially Scarlett when there was a serial killer on the loose, and was after them. Scarlett didn't want me to act out alone, but I could no longer wait and miss this chance of getting closer to Red.

The smell of alcohol, old people and sweat eventually filled my nostrils, that made me almost gag. It didn't help the fact that it was noisy, and crowded, making it hard for me to spot who I was looking for.

I headed straight to the vintage bar, and eventually took a seat, catching the bartender's attention immediately.

"Can I get a martini, please," I said to him, making him nod, and proceeded to make my drink. Honestly, I didn't want to drink, but I knew I had to, to blend in and to ready myself.

Patiently waiting, I suddenly remembered how it was a hassle for me to go to some bars and clubs and order some liquor before, knowing I was a minor, I had to get a fake ID, though I still had one until now, but I could say there was a change. I was twenty now and an agent at that, so it was easier and less hassle for me.

I turned away from the bar, and roamed my gaze once again in the area, but still, the guy I was looking for hadn't appeared, making me sigh instantly. I didn't want to stay here any longer. The place made me sick, it was full of sweaty, and boisterous drunkards commonly shouting at each other, while drinking their stomachs out. If only Scarlett was here with me, then I wouldn't be bored waiting around, and I would be distracted from the noise and smell of the place, and from those drunkards.

Now I wondered what she was doing. The fact that I didn't tell her where I was going, she was probably pissed by now, but I knew she knew where to go, I had my tracker with me, and she could easily trace me.

"Here you go," the bartender suddenly said, making me turn to the bar, and saw him placing my drink in front of me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, before taking a sip. "...Hey, do you know when Romeo will get here?" I asked thereafter, making his face lit up.

"Oh, you must be Juliet," he suddenly joked, and I didn't expect that.

"Funny, can I laugh?" I mocked, causing his smile to disappear, "I'm Avery Cole, a friend of his," I added sternly.

"He never mentioned you..." he trailed off, looking at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, we're not that close, but I'm looking for him, it's important."

"I'm wondering how he got himself a friend like you..."

I frown, "Like what?"

He shrugged, "You look hella fine, and he looks like a...disgruntled git with a bad hygiene."

"Oh...and are you his friend?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Not really...but he comes here pretty much often. He should be here any moment," he said reluctantly.

I flashed him a grateful smile, "Thanks."

"Hey, lady," someone's voice suddenly rang, and seeing a bald guy with his whole bulky arm covered with tattoos from the corner of my eyes, I did not bother to look at his direction, and instead, take another sip of my drink. "Give her another glass, it's on me," he ordered, talking to the bartender, and grinned when he faced me once again, making me roll my eyes.

"No need. I don't need any boy to buy me something I can easily have," I said, straightforwardly.

He snorted, "Boy? Are you talking about me?"

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