Chapter 16 "Extraction"

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Bullets flew everywhere, ricocheting off walls, and floor. Rapid gunshots had erupted, disrupting the silence of the night. Amidst the chaos, a grinning Black was hiding against the wall, waiting for an opportunity to shoot back. It had been a while since he felt the excitement of shooting someone. He didn't know he had been wanting it, the exhilaration it brought him, and now, he was ready to dance with the chaos.

"Be ready, kids!" he shouted, looking at the agents nearby, "things are gonna get interesting," he added, before fetching a smoke grenade from his vest, and threw it inside. James did the same as she stood across Black.

As soon as the grenade erupted, the agents piled in, shooting everyone who was standing in their way. Enemies were everywhere, but they had anticipated it, shooting down every last one of them.

Running towards the old, worn-out reception desk, Black leapt across the desk, kicking away the gun that was aimed on his way, before shooting at the two enemies dead. He then ducked down for cover as bullets ricocheted nearby, before exchanging fire, hitting two more.

"James, proceed as planned..." he spoke through the comm, "On my mark...Now!" he shouted, giving the go signal as he started firing his gun to the enemies.

"Roger that!" James replied, eventually leading her team towards the huge, staircase, shooting two bad guys down on her way. Her team; Scarlett, Arya, and three other agents, followed her as they made their way up to the second floor, to start looking for Olivia.

Black's team, including Sean, Darren, and three other agents had remained in the lobby, finishing off enemies as they kept coming, and giving way for James' team.

"Three guys heading your way, Agent James," Ryan warned, watching their movements through his monitors. He had accessed the cameras in the building, making it easier for him to navigate and guide the agents inside. Although there were still some blindspots as not all area had cameras.

"Copy that," James replied, and within seconds, three bad guys showed up, carrying big guns, but before they could use them, they were already gunned down by the agents.

"Search the rooms," James ordered, and the agents nodded in agreement, before splitting up.

Scarlett, and Arya had paired up as they started searching for Olivia. Gunning down two guys on their way, Scarlett had kicked down a door nearby, and immediately, Arya went in, gun raised, only to find an empty room.

They navigated through the room carefully, from the small kitchen down to the bedroom, but it was empty.

"Negative," Arya spoke, before slipping out. Scarlett scanned the room once again, before following Arya out, and proceeded to the next room.

"Ryan, anything?" Scarlett asked, touching her earpiece.

"So far I got no sign of Olivia. She must be in a room where there's no camera or something," Ryan replied.

"Any sign of Red then?" Scarlett added.

"Spotted her at the topmost floor not long ago."

"Then that's where Olivia must be," Arya mumbled, making Scarlett nod.

"But we're not certain. Let's just keep searching," Scarlett responded, before they continued.

The search had just started, but Scarlett was already feeling impatient. Since the plan to go in discreetly had backfired after a spotter had spotted them, she couldn't help but think about the possibility that Olivia was no longer in the building, or worse, she was already killed, knowing they came to rescue her.

Red could be unpredictable, and that didn't sit well with Scarlett.

After downing bad guys on the floor, the agents climbed up to the next floor where a dozen of enemies had been waiting for them, carrying random weapons.

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