Chapter 5 "Intent"

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I stood still, feeling uncomfortable under Arya's scrutinizing gaze as she was slowly circling around me, eyeing me up and down, while I was waiting for Scarlett to come out of Black's office. Usually, I wouldn't let someone do the kind of thing to me, but I was getting a vibe that she was more than just a bitch, and considering she trained with Scarlett the same time, just made her more dangerous than I was.

"You look...acceptable," she mumbled, and I frowned at her, unsatisfied with her description.

"Excuse me? I look way more attractive than you," I retorted, making her chuckle.

"Funny, I see the other way around."

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes at her.

"Since we're gonna be working together, I suggest you behave, after all, I'm your superior."

I smiled sarcastically, "Superior my ass. I am my own superior, and no one else, so better stop convincing me to behave, because I ain't gonna do that."

She raised a brow.

"I can see now why Smith likes you, you're feisty," she commented, sizing me up.

"And I can see why they hate you, you're a bully, and a bitch."

"Last time I checked, you were also a bitch," she retorted, making me snort in disbelief, "still are..."

"As if I denied that. So, don't expect me to act polite around you, you're not worth my nice side."

"We'll see about that...nugget," she called me, a faint of smile had etched on her lips, before turning her heels from me, and walked off, leaving me sighing in relief.

We just met, but I couldn't stand being around her for more than a second, and what was worse, was that she was my new, temporary partner, which only meant we would be seeing each other more often.

I hated Black for doing this. Scarlett and I were doing fine as partners, we did well in every mission we had, but I didn't know what pushed him to make this move. Hell, I didn't even know what he meant earlier about me. He was vague, and his expression didn't give any hint, and he looked like he had no plan on telling me the real reason, but whatever his reason was, he was a douche for doing this to me and Scarlett.

As I was still engulfed by my own thoughts, the glass door suddenly swung opened, causing me to look up and saw Scarlett coming out, looking beyond pissed.

"How was it? Did you manage to convince him?" I asked hopeful even after seeing her expression, but she shook her head in response.

"No," she answered as we started walking down the empty hallway, "and he won't be changing his mind anytime soon."

"Damn it!" I hissed under my breath, "I don't want that Arya as my partner, she's infuriating."

"I'm with you on that."

"Where did she come from anyway? She just...popped out from nowhere, and then bam, she became my new partner."

"I honestly don't know. After her mission, which was almost four years ago, she just completely vanished. No one knew where she had been, except for Black apparently," she explained, and a single thought eventually crossed my mind.

"Hmm...She could be Black's secret lover for all we know," I blurted out, which made Scarlett snort, then chuckled.

"Babe, that's silly," she said a moment after composing herself.

"I mean that's possible...and Black just hid their relationship, and made her quit, because he was ashamed or something."

"I honestly don't know, but now I'm curious about her last mission. Something must have happened back then."

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