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I found Aiden in the hallway: arms crossed, leaning at the wall, staring to nothing. He was in deep thought that he does not notice, or maybe, he does not really care to notice the children who are afraid to cross the hallway with his overflowing aura. I sighed and walked in front of him.

"Are you done scaring the children?"

He turned towards me, brows furrowed again.

"Please be reminded that you are at the orphanage." I added. His heavy breath has a sign of displeasure, but who am I to care?

"Will you come with me? Headmaster's request." The last part is not exactly true but I can't say it's mine, right? He sighed before standing properly.

We silently walked until we reached a room.

"Thena!" Annie immediately hugged me. I stiffened at the surprise attack. "Let's play, let's play."

"Alright. Alright." I managed to compose myself before patting her head. I'm still not used with them.

"We have a new.... friend here." That is the most questionable word to describe this man.

He narrowed his eyes, obviously questioning my introduction. I'm also questioning myself right now, so don't add. His piercing eyes scared Annie, who hid behind me and the other kids who were deep into staring at him.

"Headmaster will appreciate if you can assist us for the time being." He was quiet but I get the gist that he might want to yell at me. "He said that he may consider your request if you do this little favor."

How he will treat the kids will reflect what will happen if we agreed on his adoption request. Along with the first headmaster, we established this place for the victims of the wars. Although, the current headmaster can decide on his own, he will likely ask my opinion. Don't take this personally. What happened between us is not worth thinking about. The future of these children will be my utmost priority. That is why I am a guardian. 


"Is that the bogeyman?" Nathan asked. Bogeyman? Oh, is that something like a monster. I turned to him, is he a monster? Werewolves are monsters to humans.

"Nathan... what do we say about being nice?"

"Oh.. sorry." 

"Booeyman." Basil peeked behind the other kids.

I heard a dreadful sigh and saw that Aiden was about to leave. Maybe he was offended? But he can't leave yet. He can't leave me with these kids alone.

Panic stricken, I was unable to check what I said the next moment.

"Don't leave me." That sounds wrong in all level. 

"I mean, the kids. Uhm. They did not mean the bogeyman, they are just like that with strangers. And... we really need help with the kids." Riri, the one who often looks after these kids are also tasked with preparing lunch. I would've volunteered if not for the fact that I cannot cook that good. I can only do a miniscule amount of work, and I am never good with children. Even if it looks that way, they are too fragile and I am afraid I will hurt them.

Suddenly: "Waahhh!!" Little Nala awoke with a cry.

I froze. Crying....  Crying... I should calm her down.

"Sshhh." I tried, only sitting by her side. I know I should pick her up but my shaking hands won't let me. "Sshhh... maybe I should call Riri." Her cries drown my own voice and I am starting to panic. I never held a baby. "What should I do? I can't leave her here.

"Can you look after them, I will just call Riri." I asked in haste, ready to bolt out. He did not say anything but he heard me, right? Come on, Nala is crying.

Instead of answering, he walked towards me. No, past me and... to my surprise, he picked up Nala.

He held her on his chest, slowly patting her back. In a few seconds, she stopped crying and went back to sleep. And I thought I knew him.

Thump...Thump...My heartbeat echoed at this sight. Why can't I be his mate?

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