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I awoken with my eyes still heavy. I cried myself to sleep. Forgive yourself, that's what he said.

"Lady Athena." The guard stood beside the bed.

I slowly sat up. "Where are they?"

"We were ordered not to let you out."

"Where are they?" My voice has gone lifeless. Emptiness follows sadness. I look at her eyes and saw what I am suspecting.

The three left to confront the council. I'm suppose to let them handle it but there is only one way to forgive myself.

"Don't get in my way." They couldn't speak as I let that order sink in.

If I am going to perish soon then I will decide how.

I stood up and was about to teleport but I couldn't. My sight turned around the room. So, they laid some spells. I knew Duke is getting some help with the fairies. That last dish he made and now this? 

But I am not weak. I am not who I used to be. Let go? Let my power flow. My power radiates like mist, washing away the spell. And when all dissipated, I let the mist envelope me and I teleported to the balcony, just overlooking the castle grounds. The first thing I register is a battle going on. Wolves and vampires. The council. My three previous mates.

To fight is to lose. To lose is to forgive.

"Stop." I whispered in the air but everyone surely heard it as they stopped and searched for the voice.

'Laine!' Duke mindlinked. I watched as Duke started running towards me. Surprisingly, Aiden also did.

I raised my hand and the sky turned dark.

"Anyone who dares to oppose the peace, answer to me." Some wolves backed off. "Who wants a war, I will give it to you." There are council members who felt my threat. But one stood still, Arthur, the previous Alpha, Aiden's father. There was a smile on his face.

"I don't need to fear a dying guardian." He knows. "My son rejected you already, if you expend the last of your power, you will perish."

"If I use the last of my power, you will perish." Thunder roared.

I turned to the approaching Aiden forcing him to kneel.

"Rain!" He shouted restrained.

"Laine." I waved my hand throwing away Duke. His eyes are ruby red trying to fight off my power.

I let my energy spread through the wind.

"Anyone who opposes will die." My original power is not making rain and thunders. It was... I am silver. I let the air carry this lethal poison, attacking those who does not repent, those who wants to bring ill omen.

"Laine, Stop!" I don't know who yelled anymore.


I felt the blood oozing from my mouth. There are wolves and some vampires (from the southern coven) who are dropping one by one.

"No. You're... a f-fool!" Arthur screamed as he choked. They tried to runaway but you can't outrun the air.

"He-Help." They cried out but I already gave them their chance. 

"A guardian must know when to save, when to kill." The enemies fell down. A sin is not an excuse to kill but betrayal is too much. My knees buckled falling to the ground.


"Laine!" I couldn't hold my spell to restrain them. My body is slowly dissipating.

I am... coughing....more blood.

"Laine. No. What's happening? What my father said..."

I turned to him.

"You. Why... you're always here?" I slumped on him as the strength leaves my body.

"No. Wait! Help her." I think he said it to Duke.

"I can't. No one can. You were her last hope but you..."

"Don't fight." I said my eyes getting heavier. "This was... b- bound to hap--pen.."

"Lainey." Valen sat beside me. I smiled. At least I can see them one last time.

"I will miss you... but I will... forget you..." 

Aiden's eyes met mine. His eyes glow silver... like the moon at its brightest. He will be the... 

"a curse... you will not... inherit.. be a guardian... love... because I..."

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