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"Finally." Miriel stood up stretching her arms. We managed to finish just in time for lunch."That's more than usual."

"Don't they deliver these many once in a while?" The kids can outgrow their clothes.

"Yes, but still this is too many. I suppose that was to be expected since you helped me make the list of what we need. Ever since Coreen left, I had to learn so much stuff and I did not know that she has this many responsibilities. Good thing you came this year or else I wouldn't know what to do." Coreen moved with her mate more than a year ago. And everyone thought that the Headmaster and her are mates with their 'love and hate' relationship.

"Did headmaster cry when she left?" We started to walk towards the dining hall.

"I don't think so, but he was out of it for weeks. In the first few days, he called her name whenever he needed something. I think he misses her sometimes."

"Yeah, they were best friends. But you are doing a great job."

"Eh? You think so? But Coreen was too perfect. I couldn't even imagine how she managed all of this."

"She also struggled at first. I remember that she often messes the schedules and room assignments. But she eventually learned her way. You will also, too. It may take time."

"I hope that's true."

"Trust yourself, 'kay?" We stopped in front of the doorway. The children are already here. "See you after lunch, we need to distribute the clothes later."


She went inside. I caught sight of Aiden, Kai and Theo sitting at one table. That's odd but I suppose Theo found his role model. I could see the admiration in his eyes and him mirroring Aiden's movements. I guess, sometimes, he is amazing

I trailed towards the playground, now void of anyone. I sat in a swing and took the envelope in my pocket. As I opened it, there was a small paper with a mistletoe encased on it.

My heart forever lies where the moonlight gazes. - V

It has been years since I last saw him. I wish to see him again but he reminds me of the ruin we created just to achieve peace.

Riri was one of the orphans brought by that battle 13 years ago. With the agreement being built between vampires and werewolves, we had to resolve inner conflicts that wanted to rebel against our purpose. The King's brother led the rebellion. He was... a friend but with our contradicting beliefs, spilling blood was unavoidable. However, the fact that I killed, the picture of bodies lying around haunts my memories. I couldn't even talk to him again.


Duke texted me.

'Are you free? Can I call?'

I did not reply, instead I pressed the call button.

"What is it?" I immediately asked.

"Do you know someone who calls himself the Prince?"

"No, I don't remember anyone like that. Did he do something?"

"Someone has been claiming to be a prince and questions the papers of the winery. Insisting that vampires should not be here."

"Did you check if it was just some new shifters?" They tend to have a huge ego and unbelievable entitlement.

"It's not that. Do you know if your King has offspring?"

"None that I know of. But, if I remember correctly, he took a little boy before."

He sighed. "If that is the case, your King will have a problem. I'll verify it first before calling him."

"Thanks." He took the initiative to take care of it before I could say anything.


"About last night..." he paused.

"I know. We're ok." 

I assured him.

"Okay." There is still distraught in his voice.

"Come on, don't pout over it. You'll look like an old man."

He chuckled. Finally, "Okay then. I'll treat you to dinner." I hummed and the call ended.

I went inside to clean the dishes. "Nee-chan, do you want something? I can make you a sandwich." Riri brought the plates while I was washing them. About her always giving me sandwiches, those are the only food I have shown interest, as she said.

"My Riri is so thoughtful, I will do anything for you."

"Neechan... I'm not a kid anymore, kay?"

I giggled. "Yeah, yeah. Now take some rest."

I accept her sandwiches because she's generous in giving crunchy lettuce but I don't feel like eating now. I don't exactly know what she thinks I do during lunch breaks, but as far as I remember she does not insist on giving me food. I was a human but now my body runs in the energy of the surroundings. I don't know if all guardians are the same. Duke likes cooking so I often have a meal when he is around. Yet, I don't know if it's the same as me. It's not like we enjoy talking about being a guardian.

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