Squirrelthorn- CLOSED

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Adopted by: duskclaw_thewarrior

Name- Squirrelthorn
Gender- Female
Age- 27 moons
Rank- Deputy
Clan- MoonClan

Squirrelthorn is a ginger striped she-cat with two lighter paws and a lighter coloured tail tip, with dark blue eyes. 

She is a strong and independent she-cat, but she has a soft spot for kits. However, she is also bossy and headstrong, leading to her occasionally starting fights within her clan due to her bossing them around. Squirrelthorn has had two apprentices, Yarrowpaw and Spotpaw, and is now the deputy of MoonClan, who loves to help her clan in becoming the strongest it can be. She became deputy just after her first apprentice, Yarrowpaw, and the previous deputy, Waveripple, had both passed away from greencough. Squirrelthorn knows that to make MoonClan the strongest it can be, she needs to set a good example to others.

Suffix= -step

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