Before we begin

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Hey everyone! I'm rewriting i story I made a couple years ago. The summary is a cole x reader love story but I hate writing (y/n) or (your name) over and over again so I gave the girl character a name to make things easier but a lot of people complained about it not being a real x reader story. So I'm just writing a regular story and you, the reader, can imagine yourselves or your own characters in place of the main girl character.
A lot of my chapters will be in coles perspective because I think it's a lot hotter that way.
My old story (more than cake) is still like this new story but I'm going to make it different because I don't really like the new seasons of ninjago, the first five are my favorite, but I'll try to go along with the story from the series but I might also just do my own thing, we'll see.
So the girl character, which I have named Kimberly, is a wizard. Not like Harry Potter, more like mal from descendants. Where she doesn't need a wand but can still do a lot of cool stuff and she is immortal so she has a crazy backstory. But again, feel free to use your own characters in your head.
In my other book (more than cake) I did do lemons and smut but I'm not sure how detailed I wanna be this time soooo ehh we'll see
I also really miss role playing with people it was so much fun. I made a lot of friends that way. My favorites were when my friend would be cole and I would by my oc and I would be Zane and she would be her own character and it was like actually talking to the characters from ninjago which was really fun. So hopefully by writing this book I can make more friends to role play with like that!
I also encourage comments! Lots of them! I have a very busy schedule and hetic life so it's nice to read comments about what readers thought about the book! And I also take suggestions! When the fan girls speak they must be heard!!!
So yeah I hope you guys enjoy my book, I also apologize to my old readers from my original book about the wait to continue writing.

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