Day One

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(Coles POV)

I finish washing the dishes in about 15 minutes. As I was putting the clean dishes on the drying rack, I started to feel hungry.
Heck, I'm in a kitchen, there's gotta be some snacks here somewhere.
I start opening random cabinets, since I have no idea where anything is in this place.
I go to the fridge and open it up. These a couple apples, why the heck are they in the fridge?
I pick one up and bring it to my mouth, I tried to bite into the piece of fridge but the cold had made the apple stiff and tough to bite
I decided to cut up the apple into slices so I was looking for a knife and a cutting board. I found a knife and place it on the counter. As I was digging around for the cutting board the apple had rolled off the counter onto the floor
Uggh I'm too tired for this
I bend down to pick up the apple when I hear,
"Hey, you almost done in here?"
I instantly recognize that voice, it's Kimberly.
I move quickly to stand up but in my swift movement I bump my head on my counter.
As I'm rubbing my head I see the knife I had left on the counter fall. I brace myself for the impact of the blade but it never came. I look up and see the knife floating in mid air!
"What the-?" I stand to my feet in shock
The knife had a faint glow around it, like a glow stick or something
"You gotta be more careful there, tiger, you could've lost a toe."
I look at Kimberly and see her hand has the same glow as the knife. she doing that?
Kimberly effortlessly waves her hand, the knife that was floating in mid air, has now moved itself back into the shelve I found it in.
"H-how did you do that?" I stuttered with complete shock
Kimberly shrugged, "what? Didn't the old man tell you? I'm a wizard."
A chuckle escaped from my lips "you're kidding right? A wizard? Like Harry Potter?"
"Mm more like Dr. strange, except more attractive." Kimberly winked at me before disappearing into the hall.
Stunned, I stood there like a statue still processing the information I just received.
"You coming or not, tiger?" I heard Kimberlys voice call from down the hall.
I shook off my surprise and grabbed my bag off the floor and headed down the hallway where Kimberly was waiting for me.
"I'll show you to your room. And the bathroom, you look like you could use a long shower."
"Well, I did just come from climbing a mountain and traveling through a hot desert to get here." I replied as I followed begging Kimberly as we walked the halls together.
"A mountain? I thought you were in some kind of dance school." Kimberly responded
"How did you know that?" I asked
Kimberly chuckles, "how do you think the old man found you? You think the leaves in his tea guided him?"
She laughed again at her joke
"So what, you're like a bounty hunter too? Along with being...a wizard?"
Kimberly stopped walking and turned towards me with a smirk "yeah, kinda, does that freak you out too, tiger?"
"I'm not freaked out, it's just hard to believe, you know." I shrugged, "with the old man, the ninja I feel like this is a movie I've been placed in."
Kimberly nodded her head, "uh-huh... or maybe you fell while you were climbing the mountain, hit your head, and now you're in a wicked coma dream."
My eyebrow arched, it was crazy how I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or joking.
"...normally I'd laugh, but that's actually a decent theory." I replied
Kimberly laughed at my response
The sound of her laughter brought a small smile to my face.
Kimberly opened the door to a small bedroom.
"Here's your room. The bathrooms right there on your left." Kimberly pointed out
I stepped into the room, throwing my bag on the twin sized bed.
"No problem. Hey, you're not allergic to any foods right?" She asked.
" why?"
"I'm heading into town for a well needed grocery trip." Kimberly informed.
"Um...can I go with you?" I asked, "I'm getting a little bit of cabin fever here."
Kimberly laughed, "you've been here for one day."
"Hey, you can't judge other people's mental stability." I joked along
"Oh right, especially since I'm just a figment of your coma dream." Kimberly replied with a smirk
"That's starting to creep me out."
Kimberly laughed at me again, "take a shower, tiger, my ears can smell you. Meet me outside when you're ready." Kimberly called out as she walked away.
Do I really smell that bad?
I lifted my arm up and sniffed my armpit
Ugh, no wonder she wasn't charmed by my looks.
I dug through my bag and grabbed some clean clothes out, and made my way to the bathroom. Luckily there were already soaps and towels there since I didn't bring any.
I stripped off my clothes and started to shower. As the water ran down my body I tried my best to piece together everything that's happened.
My day started off normal, a good exercise outdoors. Than I met this old guy that brought me to the middle of nowhere because I agreed to become a freaking ninja, and then there's this drop dead gorgeous woman here who also happens to be a magical wizard.
It's crazy, all of it is crazy. Maybe Kimberly is right. Maybe I did hit my head and fall into a coma.
Honestly that makes more sense than all of this. But I know I'm awake I know this is really because... the pain I have inside is still real.
So, this is my reality now. This days been so insane, I'm kinda anxious to see what comes next.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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