Meeting... her

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Cole's pov)

the air is thin, but crisp, I love the smell fresh air has: a hint of dirt, but not that musky. the sky is clear as can be. the sun is hitting the back of my neck and ears, burning slightly, but in a good way. I've tagged along in a group of mountain climbers today, but i'm not using equipment, I don't need too. my hands and upper body strength are all I need.
My fingers easily grip onto the uncut mountain, and i'm making it up to the top in no time. I don't even pay attention to the others in the group as I bolt past them and reach my destination.
I let out of breath, feeling my heart speed up faster, and the sweat pouring down the sides of my face, making my hair stick to my skin at all angles. the view is amazing up here! I'm so glad I left that horrid boarding school my father sent me to.
I whip around and see an old man sipping tea while sitting on the top of the mountain with me.
Was he here the whole time?! How did I not see him before?! He's just casually sitting on the ground with a full tea set with him. He's wearing a bamboo hat and white robs with a black belt.
I didn't know how to address him.
he took another loud sip from his cup, "Sllllluuuurp!"
"Umm..." I started to take a few steps back.
"You must be cole." the old man finally spoke.
"H-how do you know who I am?" I questioned.
"I'm sensei Wu, and I know a lot more about you than you think." he replied, bluntly.
Like that's comforting.
"How did you get up here?" I asked.
"How did you get up here?" the old man repeated.
"....I climbed.."
"Exactly." he interrupted me, "Without any gear."
"I don't need any gear." I said.
"Obviously. but you left your group behind." the old man pointed out.
"Well, they couldn't keep up with me." I shrugged.
"That's not the kind of attitude for a team leader." the old man scolded me.
"Team leader?" I was so confused, "what are you?-"
"I'm putting together a team of ninja, and it's time for you to become the ninja of earth, Cole." the old man continued.
"Ninja of earth? Okay, are you having a heat stroke? I mean you are drinking hot tea, on top of a mountain, in 90 degree heat." I stated.
"Heat stroke." the old man laughed at me, "I'm here on a matter of forming ninja capable of saving the world, and believe it or not, but you are one of those people, Cole."
the old man was so serious, it was almost frightening. he sounded crazy, all this talk about ninja, team, saving the world.
"Look," I tried to settle with him, "I don't know who you are, and I'm certainly not a ninja."
" . . . Fine, then go back to dancing and singing." the old man shrugged as he started walking down the mountain.
How did he know? This is insane. What's even more that i'm considering following him.
I mean, how often does a creepy old guy follow you up a mountain and tells you to become a ninja and save the world?
Well, anything is better than rolling over and letting my father turn me into a preforming clown.
"Hey! Old Guy! Wait up!" I call out as I follow him down the mountain.

The old guy brought me out in the middle of nowhere! We were literally out in the freaking mountain tops. there was snow everywhere. And only one small village. The old guy brought me to a very old monastery on the top of one of the mountains.
"I thought you were training me to be a ninja, not a munk?!" I exclaimed.
"I'll start training you when I'm ready." the old man said firmly, "For now, get settled in your room."
The old man left me alone. I know the building was small but this is my first time inside, I don't know the heck everything is.

with my bag in hand, I start to walk around the building. All the hallways look the same, I was starting to get frustrated. It's been a really long day, my feet are killing me, I just wanna take a hot shower and lay down for a nap.

im pulled out of my when I hear music coming from around the corner I follow the music to a room that's obviously the kitchen

I see a speaker on the counter blasting music, but no ones in the room.

"hello? Anybody here?" I call out, but I doubt anyone can hear me over the speaker

i reach out and turn down the music

"hey! Not cool, man!"

the unknown voice startled me and I dropped my bag as I spun around to see who was speaking to me

my jaw almost hit the floor as my eyes were glued onto...her.

She had the brightest green eyes and long purple hair. And she had a dragon tattoo on her arm, she was wearing a crop top that allowed me to see her fit form. She had to have been the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"hey, buddy!" The girl snaps her fingers, "you speak English right? Domo arigato Mr. roboto?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know anybody else was here." I spoke up, "the old man just left me here with-"

"ah, that old geezer," she interrupted me, "he comes and goes at the worst times, it's so annoying."

she stepped over my way until she reached out to the speaker and turned off the music. She was now about 3 feet away from me. I could tell dispute her high heeled boots, she was a lot shorter than me, which was super cute

"I-im cole, by the way." I say, extending my hand out to her

she looked at my hand for a second before she grabbed it and shook hands with me.

her skin was so soft and she smelled so good

"well, cole, you turned down my music without permission, which is a crime at fault." She said as she leaned on the counter, "sooo, your actions deserve to be punished."

they way she said that made a lump form in my throat. She was so confident it was almost intimidating.

"uh, w-what do you mean?"

she gestured toward the kitchen sink, which was full of dishes.

"I was about to wash them myself, but I'm a bad worker without my music. It only seems fair, right, tiger?"

"umm...sure, I guess"

"Cool" the girl grabbed her speaker and started to walk away.

"Hey," I called out

The girl stopped in her tracks and look my way over her shoulder

"I never got your name."


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