Meet the Jomies

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Hailey wanted to believe Jake. She really did. But the things she heard in the recording were unforgivable, and Jake didn't seem to deny that the recording was real, his only defence was an unsubstantiated claim that he hadn't meant what he said.

She had to know what had really happened, and as much as it hurt, she couldn't exactly trust Jake to give a straight answer at the moment.

As Hailey ran off, her first instinct was to head to the bathroom to be alone, but there was something more pressing right now. There was one group of people who would know for sure, and she remembered seeing them earlier with Jake. And as much as she disliked that group, she was not going to let anyone get in the way of her finding the answers she needed.

Hailey sprinted off into the main hall and found the Jomies (other than Jake, who was left crying in the music room) still at their lockers talking about something to do with Stacy... or possibly Stacy's mom. Whatever, that didn't matter right now.

"EXPLAIN!" demanded Hailey.

"Explain what?" asked Drew, unamused. "You're acting like even more of a freak than usual today."

"About Jake!" Hailey yelled back. She opened the message on her phone and played the audio.

Drew's eyes widened. "We were being recorded? Who sent you that? Liam, Henry, don't tell me you..."

Henry and Liam started shaking their heads emphatically.

"I think I'll need to have a chat with Zoey and Lia after this," Drew moaned. "Recording private conversations like that is not cool."

"So it's real then?" Hailey asked. "Jake... Jake never cared about us and was just doing this for Daisy all along?"

"Well, perhaps you shouldn't have manipulated him," lectured Drew. "You knew he liked Daisy. But instead your band member went and stole his girlfriend behind his back, and then you pressured him into singing a duet with you because you were too afraid to sing it yourself but still couldn't stand the idea of letting Jake have the spotlight to himself!"

"What? He asked me to sing with him! You and your friends may be manipulative jerks, but I would never treat someone I love like that. And what do you mean someone stole his girlfriend?"

"Wait, you're in love with him?"

"I'm not so sure anymore. Just answer the question, will you?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you," Drew stated, folding his arms.

In the distance, a dark haired girl with a frown had been listening since the moment she heard her friend's name 'Daisy' mentioned, and decided that now would be a good time to get some clarification.

"Oh, uh, hi Sadie," stuttered Drew.

"Hi. I believe you were about to explain something about Daisy," stated Sadie.

"Uh... fine, just please stop looking at me like that," pleaded Drew, sweating as if someone had threatened to stab him with a thousand knives. "Jake mentioned that he saw Sean and Daisy together in the music room, and then Lia showed us a picture of them together on what looked like a date."

"Thankyou for the information," said Sadie, and walked off in search of her friend Daisy.

Hailey wasn't sure what to think. Sean was in the room when Jake had admitted to liking Daisy, so why didn't Sean mention that he was dating Daisy? On the other hand, if Sean and Daisy were a couple, then maybe that meant Jake was ... no, stop being so selfish she told herself.

Drew sighed. "Look, I'm not sure why I'm telling you this, because honestly, I never wanted Jake to join that stupid band of yours anyway. But I can tell that Jake cares deeply about the band. Possibly more than he cares about us. He kept on going on about how he wanted to sing anyway and how you gave him a second chance. You have no idea how hard it was for us to convince him that you were manipulating him. And despite his claim that he's doing this all for Daisy, it's obvious that he also likes you, Hailey. Why do you think we all call you his music girlfriend?" 

"You pressured him into thinking that we were manipulating him? Oh my god." But then Hailey remembered the way she had just treated Jake a moment ago. She remembered how she had suddenly run off, and that the others were looking for her. They wouldn't have left Jake alone, would they? Hailey sprinted back toward the music room, she had an apology to make.

"Well, that was mega-awkward," came the distant voice of Henry.

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