The Confession (Alternative Ending)

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A/N: I know you probably read this book with the expectation of seeing the scene in the cover, and I wasn't really happy with the way the last chapter ended, so I decided to rewrite the ending as what would happen if Hailey had the courage to just tell Jake how she felt.

Hailey's POV

I watch Jake turn his back to walk over to Daisy. I want to reach out and tell him that I love him like in one of my romance novels. But I know he likes Daisy, not me, and that it would just embarrass us both. A dark part of me wishes that she'd reject him so that I could have a chance with him, but I feel a bit guilty for thinking that.

Zander and Sean come over and try to convince me to let Jake know how I feel. I try to rationalise that Jake has known Daisy for longer than me.

"So?" says Sean. "She's known him for longer, but over the last month you're the one who's been closer to him, Hailey."

I'm not entirely convinced. But I really want to tell Jake how I feel. I look over to him as he continues walking further away. It's now or never.

I feel my heart racing. "Hey Jake!" I call out.

He turns around and looks at me, and starts walking back towards stage.

Oh god, why did I do that? What am I going to tell him?

"Hailey?" asks Jake. "Are you okay?" he asks in a worried tone, running over to me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you something. But it's uh... kind of embarrassing."

"Hailey, you can tell me anything, you know?"

I move up close to him and place a hand on his face intending to whisper something into his ear, but am lost for words so end up gazing into his eyes with my hand still awkwardly on his face. I move my hand to his hair and allow myself to stroke his strawberry blonde hair and feel the texture of his ruffles.

"Uh, Hailey?" he asks, confused.

"Jake, I know you like Daisy, but I just wanted to tell you, over the past month I've really enjoyed my time with you. You were kind of a jerk at first, and I know we've had our differences, but I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I... I think I've fallen in love with you Jake."

I look in his eyes, noticing they are now wide open in shock.

"I'm sorry Jake. It's selfish of me to be saying all this when I know your heart belongs to Daisy, but I just really needed to tell you. You're not just a great singer. Beneath that cocky attitude, you're actually quite sweet, passionate, a true friend, and, although I know I'll regret saying this... both handsome and charming. Daisy will be lucky to have you." Unable to look him in the eyes any longer, I avert my gaze, fearful of how he will react, and move my hand back to my side.

"No." says Jake sternly.

I look back at him, wondering what he meant.

"Hailey, you're right that I like Daisy, but asking her out isn't important to me anymore. Actually, she was never my first preference. I've liked you since freshman year, but thought you were dating Zander, so picked on you two because I was jealous that I couldn't have you. I started simping for Daisy to try to get you out of my head. Even once I found out Zander was your step-brother, I thought that you could never love me after the way I treated you before."

Wait, he thought that I couldn't love him? "Jake, I'll admit that it still bothers me a bit, but I've forgiven you. We've all forgiven you. I love you, okay?"

He smiles at me warmly and places a hand on my face, tucking a strand of my teal hair behind my ear. His face moves closer to mine, like the time that he pushed me against the wall while hiding in the mall. His face continues inching closer, why isn't he stopping?

"Hailey, I love you too," he whispers. His lips are so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my face with each word he speaks.

At first I think he is going to kiss me, but he just remains there. I smile to let him know it's okay and partially close my eyes, as I wish with every bone in my body for him to take the hint. A few agonising seconds later, I feel his lips press against mine.

Jake is... kissing... me? He has a hand on my face and his lips against mine, but I still feel the urge to be closer. I lean into the kiss and wrap my hands around him pulling him tight, feeling the heat of his body as it presses against mine.

After 15 seconds of bliss, we pull away. I notice Jake is blushing, and imagine that I'm probably doing the same.

After the heat of the moment dies down, I allow myself to take in my surroundings, and suddenly realise that we are still on stage! I glance into the audience, and while fortunately most people seem to have left or are too busy talking to each other to notice, there are still way too many people here for my comfort. I take Jake's hand and pull him backstage.

"Uh, sorry about that," Jake apologises. "I kind of got lost in the moment, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that."

"Um, it's okay..." I say nervously.

"So, uh, how are we going to explain this to the club?" asks Jake.

"Before or after Zander kills you?" I joke.

Jake's face turns white, but he eventually manages to say "totally worth it" and gives a nervous chuckle.

"Don't worry, Jake, I told them I liked you already. And I was just joking, even Zander was supportive, uh... kind of."

"Wait, really?" he asks surprised.

I give him a reassuring nod, which seems to help him relax a little bit.

"So um," Jake stutters, "I was originally going to ask Daisy this, but I was wondering if you would like to meet up in the park on Saturday? Just the two of us."

"Like on a date?" I ask.

"Yeah," admits Jake. "We could go for a walk and maybe get some bubble-tea. You don't have to dress up or anything, it's just a chance to talk and get to know each other a bit better."

"I'd love to," I say, amazed that Jake Sterling has asked me, Hailey Austin, on a date.

I don't want this moment to end, but as club president I can't be tardy. "We should probably get going," I say tentatively. "Are you coming to Stacy's Mamamia Pizzeria with the rest of us afterwards?"

"Of course!" he replies. "But first..."

He pulls me in for another kiss. I let my worries go, losing myself in the kiss. I forget about being club president, my stage fright, and all the names I used to get called. So long as I have Jake by my side, I'm happy.

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