Chapter 3: Civilization

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"Beretta!" A man voice echoed in the cave like facility.

The place seemed to be some sort of workshop for it's steel construction and a lot of tool everywhere. Beretta, Ramiris golem subordinate with a soul of a demon, went to Rimuru.

"Yes, Rimuru-sama?" Beretta do a little bow at the end of the greet.

Rimuru pointed the metal like box, with tracks as it support and a hole at the top center, beside him. Beretta nodded and went in the box. Rimuru then look around, looking for someone.

"Veldora!" His call echoed through out the cave. A blond hair nudge up from behind some rocks, Veldora's head was fully exposed by then. He look at Rimuru with his brows went up for a second.

"What?" He asked while walking to where Rimuru were.

Veldora is wearing a white plain shirt with black long pants, nothing fancy, for now.

"Would you mind power this thing up? Let's test it." Rimuru then left Veldora .

Veldora approached the metal box and climbed it, he saw Beretta inside and wave at her, to which she waved back. Veldora went inside and began his search to powered up this box.

He found the "engine" at the back of the box and pour some electricity at it. Meanwhile, Ramiris and Rimuru arrived, after Veldora "powered" the metal box with wheels covered by some tracks.

"Alright, go!" Rimuru ordered.

The big metal box rumbles and roars, fume of black smoked comes out from the back "nose". It then moves to the front at a speed no current wagon could achieve, even a horse can't catch up.

In the distance, mountains of rocks in different size littered around. The box traversed the rocks with a bit of struggle, since the sound of it roaring can be heard very clearly in the distance, but still able nonetheless.

After that, the box crossed a deep pool of water, deep enough to submerged more than a half of it. Yet despite that, it's still able to crossed it with ease, it hasn't even stucked yet.

The box then traversed on a constant up and down terrain, testing the wheels to it's limit.

The box returned to where it started, the box stop rumbling and no more roar and black fume comes out. Beretta jumped out from the box with her unchanging flat face. Well, it's a mask, of course.

"No errors?" Ramiris asked. Beretta answered with a nod.

The fairy face were filled with happiness and start to blind everyone in sight with her lights shines through out the cave.

"Nice, what's the name of that again?" Veldora asked while pointing at the box.

Beretta seemed to be trying to catch her master to try to calm her down, but failed miserably like she was a certain bald man trying to clapped a fly.

"A StandardPanzer E-50," Rimuru answered, "It was supposed to be a thing, but it was all a mere drawing." He stated.

"Okay, nice." Both brothers watched as the fairy stll flying around, yelling "Eureka" while her subordinate keeps failing to catch her.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DIED??!!!" A feminine shout echoed through the grand hall of Rubelios, a silver haired woman wearing her black dress, her eyes have different color, red and blue from right to left.

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