Side Story: Engineer graduate

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It was a beautiful day, bird are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like this, it's better to have a cup of hot Ocha, or Beer if you're german, probably, im not german or japanese.

In a university, a male Japanese student, wearing a light blue hoodie, is sitting while he seems to draw something on his book. A circle with a hole in the center and some description on the side.

The student himself is just like any Japanese, slant eyes, duh, and a bit taller than the average height of japanese people. He's also wearing glasses, i don't know if that description is any good or important, but he's wearing glasses.




Anyway, the student is working on something until a taller male student wearing a grey hoodie, with european feature, approached him from behind.

"What are you working on? Another mecha or something?" He asked, his voice is quite deep for a 20-ish year old guy.

The Japanese student, turn back and see a tall, blue eyed student, looking intensely sharp at him, while holding a bread.

"See it for yourself." The Japanse student proudly moved away from his seat and showed him the masterpiece he's working on, on the sheet of papers of course.

The european student looked closely and very thorough on the paper, the Japanese student still has his smug face plastered  like he just made the most perfect rice at the right time just before his parent arrived on the front door.

The european student look at him, and the paper again while touching it. After he sees the content thoroughly, he faced the Japanese student with both of his eyes furrowed and seems to be very unsure.

"So, what do you think? Cool?" The Japanese student asked with his eyes full of stars, the european student seems to be skeptical.

"...Can you explain, like how this work again?" He asked.

The Japanese student seemed confused on why he asked again if he had already read whatever was on the paper, he sigh and straightened up his back.

"Alright, fine." He stand up and grab one of the paper. On the paper, it has a big circle while a line is drawn around like, like the a bunch of rocks orbitting the planet Saturn.

"So, here," He pointed at the circle, "Is a black hole." The european student nodded.

"And a black hole suck everything into it because of the immense gravity, correct?" He nodded.

"And Energy equals Mass times Speed of light Squared, right?" He nodded again.

"Penrose process." The european student tilt his head, earning a sigh from the Japanese student.

"Alright," the Japanese fixed his glasses, it also seems to shine as well, "If we somehow trap a black hole, and send some matter, like electrons or something, into the ergosphere, split the matter, one consumed, the other get out with a bunch of energy."

The european student nodded.

"And that matter goes very fast and hot, due to the friction and resistance against the medium, because it was lauch by the black hole, harvest it, generate electricty. While the magnetic field, also harvested, generate electricty, boom!"

The Japanese student raised his arm in the air with excitement like he solved something. The european student however, still seemed to be skeptical with his hand holding his chin, which the Japanese student notice.

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