Chapter 12: Blood Garden

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Every floor in the labyrinth is unique in each their own.

Here, in this floor, a moon with red-like blood colors can be seen looming in the dark sky with no stars. filled with mountain of rocks with no life, sorrounded by flowers in different colors and sakura trees with wind blowing the leaves, gave this ominous feeling.

A beautiful setting at the end of the world.

A blond boy is lying on the gardens of flowers, wearing a yellow-black outfit with a white scarf. His face is akin to that hot senpai you met at high school, cold and handsome.

However, his clothes looks a bit rough and dirty, his cheeks was bruised. His breath was restless, gasping every air that exist. His eye narrowed, looking deep into the sky. His arm went limp with his sword away from him.

A tall shadow of a man, stands behind him. The boy eyes gazed onto the man. A pair of golden eyes stares back at him, his short silver-blue hair shines under the blood moon.

The man crouched and spoke, "You good?"

The boy can only gaze at him with no power. His tired eyes told him everything the man need.

The man chuckled and lie down beside him, "You're quite good for your size, looks like your plot armor still works against me."

A long silence came, not uncomfortable.

Staring at this dystopia-like setting while flowers and beatiful trees sorround them. Quite weird since you can sense the dread crawls around the place, while also felt the calmness and fresh air from the floras.

A twisted harmony of peace.

Footsteps can be heared closing in on them. The boy gets up from his rest and search where that sound came from.

He then sees a beautiful woman with jet black hair blowing against the suddenly harsh wind. She wore an armor that covered her chest and shoulder, the silvers and golds reflecting the red moon.

Her face were cold, colder then the highest tip of a mountain. Her eyes were sharper than an eagle.

Hinata tilted her head, seeing the blond kid staring at him with his jaw dropped, she almost thought he was a creep if not for Rimuru beside him, staring at the sky. Their distance were merely a dozen steps away. She felt a tug on her hand.

"Hinata-san, what's wrong?" Chloe asked, her hand intertwined with Hinata.

"Oh nothing." She reassured her.

Rimuru heard Hinata's voice behind him, he pull his body upward to seat. He looks behind and see Hinata and Chloe, Both holding hand like sisters.

"There you are!" Rimuru stand while wiping any dirt on his suit.

"I believe you haven't met each other before," Rimuru then make a short introduction of them to each other, "Hinata, Masayuki. Masayuki, Hinata."

A hand appeared in front of Masayuki which startled him, shaking his thought, he take the hand from Hinata and pulled himself up and shake her hand.

"N-Nice to meet you." He shyily greeted.

Hinata gives out a warm smile, "Nice to meet you as well," She then turned to Rimuru, "I believe we have an appointment, right?"

Rimuru smiled, "Right, Masayuki, take a rest on that tree over there. Chloe, here's a book and a candy, have fun."

"Thank you, Rimuru-san!!" She was about to hugged him, but Rimuru is too tall. Rimuru noticed this, he picked her up and hugged her.

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