• Chapter 33 •

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As I was looking between everyone Tom caught my eye. He was ever so slightly nodding his head toward Jim. It was like he was trying to tell me something but I don't know what. Tom wasn't trustworthy but there something about the look in his eye. An ever so slight sense of regret for betraying me. I could tell. He wasn't all bad. I had no choice but to hope and trust that he had some sort of plan that was in my favour. Why else would he be nodding me toward Jim? I might've been clutching at straws but I needed a reason to choose Jim, otherwise he'd kill me for choosing to save him. I ran towards him and the man started to laugh and knocked me back with a kick leaving me on the ground staring up at Jim.

He continued to laugh, "Stupid girl. I wouldn't have let him live either-".

Then before he could say or do anything else he got a blow over the back of his head with a chair. I was so focused on Jim I hadn't even noticed Tom sneaking over to help. The man dropped to the floor, bringing Jim with him. We both ran over and piled Jim up. I couldn't find any words enough to thank Tom but I think the look we exchanged was enough for him to understand. Jim was coughing and groaning from his injuries.

"Oh my gods. Are you ok?!" I pulled him into a giant hug to which he winced pretty hard. "Oh! Sorry. I forgot." I looked at him with pity.

"It's alright. I'll be alright." He smiled lightly and then turned to face Tom. "Tom I-" he started.

"Hey. No worries" Tom interrupted. "It was the least I could do, honestly."

"What came over you?" Jim replied.

"I'm not entirely sure. I just felt it inside of me, I couldn't just let you die." Tom sighed, but then he glanced back to the control board.

"Tom don't. Please. You don't have to do it." I could tell he was thinking about opening the cells again.

"Come on, really man?" Jim exclaimed in disbelief.

"I have to. You don't understand." He turned to walk towards the controls. "If I don't do this, I have nowhere to go. They'll kill me and if i'm so lucky they'll just abandon be. Either way i'm left with nothing."

"Oh Tom. We'll help you, I know we had a pretty bad start but I know that you are truly good. You will be safe with us. Then after this whole debacle is over we can appeal and get you a place in the academy. You're very skilled, and could do great things if you so choose." I told him genuinely.

"I doubt that'd work out." He stopped, turning his head.

"Let's be honest here now. In reality there's two of us and one of you. So you're either coming back with us on good terms or bad terms." Jim said carelessly.

"James, how in the universe do you think that is helpful?" I stated at him.

"No (Y/n), he does have a point to be fair but for the record I was going to stick with you guys before he said that." He smiled ever so slightly. "Thank you." He whispered.

Tom didn't need that much convincing but I already knew that he wouldn't. He wasn't really set on being evil and part of Ironbeards crew. It was all out of convenience and having no where else to turn to. I knew he only really needed a little push to tip him over the edge. We came to the conclusion that Tom should stay and guard the control tower and we'd go back to help our friends fight off Ironbeard and gain the Centurion back. It might've seemed like a bad idea to leave Tom seeing as he'd only just switched sides fully but we didn't really have a lot of time or choice. I also believed that we needed to place some trust in him, otherwise he would just be sent on a downward spiral. We began to run back as fast as we could.


~Amelia's P.O.V.~
Their numbers were dwindling but not but not yet diminished. I was continuing to fight hard, while simultaneously worrying about my dear Doppler, our children back home as well as my lovely (Y/n). These people near and close to my heart were the very thing that kept me fighting. I had naught but my sword left weapon-wise, but as long as you're skilled enough sometimes it's all you need. I saw (Y/n) and Jim climbing back up onto the ship but my attention was quickly redirected. Now. Here was a real test. Ironbeard himself. I can take him, but it's a matter of for how long.

"Well, Ironbeard. You've become quite famed over the years since I saw you last. I do wonder, however, if you'll live up to expec-" I thrust my sword. "-tation!" he parried expertly.

"We hardly have time for chat Amelia." His monotonous voice boomed.

There was a back and forth between us for quite some time. I was unsure if the clattering and clanging was out swords connecting or Ironbeard himself. He really had become much more machine than man. This fight moved all around the ship as we pushed each other back with each swing of a sword. I finally had a bit of high ground over him, which he possessed for the most part due to his inhuman height. I eventually managed to knock his sword from his cold metal hand. Just as his sword hit the floor his hand began to click and shift and morphed into a handgun. I couldn't believe it. I stood as still and began to slowly raise my hands to the air

"Playing very dirty. I should've known that you wouldn't have gained any honour since our last run-in" I spoke.

Inside I was frantically trying to figure out what my next move would be. However, my outward appearance was calm and collected. You can never let the enemy know how you feel, it will always give them the upper hand. He asked if I had any last words but before I could say anything another gun appeared right beside my face, Though, this one was not pointed at me, it was pointing directly at Ironbeard. I couldn't see who it was but I was very thankful.

"Stop right there! Or i'll shoot!" Came a voice.

Better late than never? Lmao. Idk if anyone'll read this anymore, it's been that long lol.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now