New Guy

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Chapter 6
As soon as I see Abby, I find myself hugging her like a maniac. "Spencer! What are you doing?" She asks as we hug. I pull away and she smiles at me. God is she beautiful. "Nothing, I...I just needed a hug. That's all." She laughs. We head to the conference room and JJ is talking to a muscular blonde man. He looks over at us and his mouth drops when he sees Abby. "Everyone, This is Special Agent Jai Karmin. He's been transferred from Australia." JJ announced. "Hello Everyone. It's an honor to be here with you all." Jai said. His eyes never left Abby. Everyone was talking and he mouthed something to here and she blushed. He likes her. Damn it! We started on the case and Jai sat by Abby and I. "Abby, why don't you, Jai and Spencer go back to the crime scene and look for clues?" "Sure! We'd love to!" Abby squealed. Everyone was dismissed and Abby and Jai were walking shoulder to shoulder, leaving me in the back behind them. They were laughing and talking all the way to Daniel's house. We finally got there and I pulled Abby aside. "Abby, I don't know about Jai..." "Spencer! He's perfectly fine! He is really nice, and actually, he's really handsome." She said while blushing. "But Abby..." "No! Spencer! He's really nice! Why on earth don't you like him?" I wanted to just tell her that I loved her and that Jai was an ass who should leave her alone, but she wouldn't want me to say that. It would upset her even more than she already was. Jai interrupted us and he swung his arm around her neck. "I got all call from Hotch. He said we have to set this case aside. There's a more important one that we need to worry about." "What? What could be more important than this?" I asked. "I don't know, he didn't say. He just told me that we have to set this case aside and that we need to go back." "Alright, then let's go." Abby said. She looked up at Jai and she smiled. She like him to. It's only a matter of hours before he asks her out. I really fucking hate this guy! We went back and Abby and Jai were walking shoulder to shoulder again. We walked into the conference room and sat down. Abby didn't sit near me like she always did. She sat by Jai instead. "Alrighty my doves, this next case is a major serial killer case. 3 days ago 15 girls were taken from there homes. They were raped and the had the initials AD carved into there stomachs. They were all dropped off naked in the bottom of a creek here in Quantico." Garcia said. Abby tensed up and Jai rubbed her back. Great, now he's giving her affection. "Wait, so they initials AD were carved in there stomachs? This guys got a signature." Morgan said. "Yes, and the guy went really deep when he did it." "They were raped and then carved into? That's something new isn't it?" Emily asked. "It should be, we haven't had a case this unnatural before, and we've seen some weird stuff." Rossi added. "Well this Unsub is dangerous and it feels like nobody is safe. We have to build up a profile quickly." Hotch said and everyone but Garcia and I got up and left. "What's wrong boy wonder?" She asked me. "It's nothing, really." "Beautiful Doctor boy you will tell me what is bothering you." "It's just, I like Abby and her and Jai seem to be close already and..." "You're jealous of him, aren't you?" She asked me with a smile on her face. "Well, I wouldn't say I was jealous.." "Boy wonder you are very jealous. Look, Jai is handsome and muscular but what you have with Abby is better. You guys are close, and if she doesn't see that she would be making a mistake by going out with Jai then she is no genius. Just tell her and things will get better." "Thanks Garcia. That really helps me." I said. She smiled and left the room, only to come back 45 seconds later. "Oh! One more thing!" She started jumping up and down all giddy like. "SPENCER AND ABBY SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G....." "GARCIA BE QUITE!" I yelled. She laughed and ran out of the room. I went home and went to bed, yet the initials AD reminded me of something.
And then it hit me. We were working on a serial killer case. Abby was almost killed by a serial killer.
AD. Abigail Diae. Yet it couldn't be. The guy who tried killing her was arrested and was executed. Then another thing hit me.
This guy has a son that's after Abby.

HI MY LOVELIES! Sorry about not updating my stories but this is the one story where I have no writers block! Magic will take a while longer but it will continue so do not worry you're pretty little heads! IT SHALL GO ON DEAR CHILDREN! -Nick Nick 🐦🌋🍒💥🎧🚘🇮🇳🔦✂️🆘🔢🔵🕦

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