Fighting and Explaining

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Chapter 7
I run into work and everyone follows behind me. "Guys! This guy's the son or other family member of Abby's serial killer! AD stands for Abigail Diae!" "Reid, how'd you figure this out?" JJ asks me. "It's pretty obvious JJ! We need to get the file on Abby's serial killer as soon as possible!" Hotch ran to office to make a phone call and everyone left to go get ready. Abby and Jai walked in and they were laughing. "Abby! You're in danger..well, maybe not, I don't know! You might be in danger!" I said. She looked at me like I was crazy. She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Jai. We went outside and she let go of my arm. "SPENCER REID I'M NOT VERY FOND OF YOU AT THE MOMENT!" She yelled. "What? What the hell did I do?" "JAI! NOTHING IS WRONG! HE IS A REALLY NICE BOY AND HE WOULDN'T HURT ME! I AM NOT IN DANGER OF JAI AND YOU ARE AN IDIOT IF YOU THINK SO!" "I NEVER SAID YOU WERE IN DANGER OF JAI ABBY! I'M JUST SAYING THAT...." "NO! Just don't Spencer." She was crying now. "I'm done...I'm done." She ran inside and my heart felt as if it had just broken into a million pieces. I walked back inside and Jai was hugging her as she cried. He looked at me and shook his head in disapproval. That's it. She choose him. Any chance I had with her is gone. I feel a tear roll down my face. "Spence...are you okay?" I hear JJ ask me. I shake my head as the tears roll down faster. I turn around and run from her. I run outside and to my apartment. I lock the door and lie on my couch. I sob into my pillow like a fool until I fall asleep.
Then there's a new dream. Almost the same as the other's, but not quite. The guy who was the killer in my other dreams was replaced...It was Jai now.
He had his arm around my neck and he was choking me. He had a gun pressed to my head. "LEAVE US ALONE REID! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE! SHE IS MINE AND YOU WILL NOT BE SPEAKING WITH HER EVER AGAIN!" He yelled as he pushed the gun into my head. Now, I was crying, but the thing that was making me cry wasn't the fact that I was going to die.
It was the fact that Abby was watching him do it. She was smiling and laughing as Jai punched my face. "Ab...Abby...wh..why?" she laughed and I heard the gun go off.
I was dead. Abby watched me die and she did nothing to save me. I would've done anything to save her.
I woke up to a knock on the door. I got up and found JJ and Garcia at the door. Garcia was holding a container of Jello. "Hey Spence? You feeling okay?" JJ asked me. ", not really." I replied. She hugged me and Garcia did the same. We ate Jello in silence until JJ broke it. "Spence..What's wrong? Tell us." I open my mouth to speak but instead a sob comes out. I grab a pillow and cry into it as JJ rubs my back and Garcia rubs my shoulder. To much affection for this type of situation! "Spence? What's wrong? Tell us." I calm down and I explain to them my dreams and loving Abby and the fight we had today. JJ was crying as I explained and Garcia was trying to calm both of us down. "Oh Spencer, it's okay. There are better girls out there. You'll find one." Garcia said as she stuffed her face with more Jello. "No there aren't. I want Abby and no one else!" I sobbed. We sat in silence until everyone's phones went off. JJ answered her phone and we listened on speaker. "Guys, we've got a huge problem." Rossi said. "What is it Rossi?" I ask. "Well, 13 more girls were found in the creek, the same way the other girls were. Yet that's not the worst part. Abby is missing."

HI GUYS! I can't believe this happened! I didn't like writing this chapter. It will get better! THIS I PROMISE TO YOU MY DOVE CHILDREN! You are my lovelies and I will fix this mess soon! Until then go read books about happy things and don't die over this! -Nick Nick 🐳😎🐩🍟🎀🎾🎡🚥💒🇬🇧💸🔆🈸⤵️♠️🕛 PS if this is a short chapter I am sorry!

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